5 / 5
Jan 2017

Am I missing something? I got this error when trying to reactivate my client's download links" Sorry, this transaction can not be renewed any more" and wanted to search for the error message but there is no search function that I can find.. ?

  • created

    Oct '16
  • last reply

    Jan '17
  • 4


  • 1.5k


  • 4


Sorry about the missing search function; Google recently retired the custom search integration method we'd been using for our site search, so we had to remove that temporarily until we build a new search integration using Google's latest method. You'll see a spyglass icon reappear at the top of our site when that's ready.

"Sorry, this transaction can not be renewed any more" means that you've either deleted one of the products in that order or already reactivated the link 5 times (the max. our system allows). You can use "Send free download link" to issue the buyer a replacement link.

Ok thanks for the response, glad to know I am not just going crazy and the search function is actually missing :slight_smile:

3 months later

From Google's toolbar, enter:

site:e-junkie.com/bb xxxxxxx

where xxxxxxx is what you'd like to search for.

12 days later

Thank you for this tip for how to search the forums. Worked like a charm. :slight_smile: