Ah, I love e-junkie but I seriously miss the days when you could actually speak to a real person on the phone instead of only responses via email. Anyways, I've asked this question many months ago, and even asked e-junkie but never got any workable responses: Is there a storefront widget out there that will work with e-junkie? We currently use the Squarespace platform and creating a store in a Squarespace journal doesn't look that appealing. I know there has to be a widget that allows you to create a simple storefront that has more of an Amazon look or a paypal storefront widget look. E-junkie offers no answers (This would be a good service for you to provide guys...) and I've been told to use something like blogspot, but that's the same as using Squarespace. Please if anyone knows, I'd appreciate some guidance. Dunno if I receive an automated notification to a response so my addy is sales@rocksource360.com if anyone has an answer:)
One more thing, to e-junkie,...Still waiting on a response as to why I cannot use a business credit card that is associated with a paypal account, even after I removed it from Paypal. The company I represent needs for the montly subscription to go directly from the bank account for accounting purposes;)
Jan '10
last reply
Jan '10
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