8 / 8
Jan 2010

Ah, I love e-junkie but I seriously miss the days when you could actually speak to a real person on the phone instead of only responses via email. Anyways, I've asked this question many months ago, and even asked e-junkie but never got any workable responses: Is there a storefront widget out there that will work with e-junkie? We currently use the Squarespace platform and creating a store in a Squarespace journal doesn't look that appealing. I know there has to be a widget that allows you to create a simple storefront that has more of an Amazon look or a paypal storefront widget look. E-junkie offers no answers (This would be a good service for you to provide guys...) and I've been told to use something like blogspot, but that's the same as using Squarespace. Please if anyone knows, I'd appreciate some guidance. Dunno if I receive an automated notification to a response so my addy is sales@rocksource360.com if anyone has an answer:)

One more thing, to e-junkie,...Still waiting on a response as to why I cannot use a business credit card that is associated with a paypal account, even after I removed it from Paypal. The company I represent needs for the montly subscription to go directly from the bank account for accounting purposes;)

  • created

    Jan '10
  • last reply

    Jan '10
  • 7


  • 1.4k


  • 4


  • 4


You can use E-junkie button codes with any solution where you can paste ready-made HTML. If you can find a storefront CMS that lets you disable (or doesn't even have) its own, built-in cart, then you could probably build your site and post product listings with that, and paste our button codes into the product description fields. You might also consider looking at photo gallery CMS, which you could use to post a product image with our button codes in the caption/description field if they allow HTML. Quite a lot of our merchants use WordPress in their site as a CMS; we have some tips for WordPress on this help page:


Just add the credit card to your PayPal account as a funding source. When our Subscribe button takes you to log into PayPal, select that card as the preferred funding source for your subscription payments. Note that you MUST log into your PayPal account to set up an auto-recurring payment schedule in that account; you cannot just enter your card details at the subscription checkout without logging into an account (we don't know why PayPal even offers that checkout option when they forbid using it for subscriptions). This page explains the subscription procedure in more detail:


Thank you. E-junkie did reply and the credit card issue is resolved. As for the cart option, I truly appreciate your response, but I already know about these options and it isn't the answer I am looking for. You'd think by now somone would have created something along these lines. In fact, that was one of my first questions to e-junkie(on the phone) 18 months ago. Love the button codes and have no problem using them,but it would be nice to have an actual storefront layout template solution that non-coders could use with e-junkie, where they could cut and paste, add "Read more" buttons, etc. that doesn't involve a blog.

E-junkie is primarily designed for sellers who already have their own Web site (or intend to custom-build one), so they can easily add a cart to their existing site without having to install and configure a whole e-commerce software package on their server.

Most storefront-oriented CMS software out there is part of an e-commerce package that already includes a built-in cart. As long as someone is already going through all the trouble of installing and setting that up, they're already doing all the technical work that E-junkie is designed to sidestep. There'd be little point in using E-junkie with that sort of storefront site, since it would make matters more complicated rather than easier.

If you don't have your own Web site or don't wish to paste our buttons into your site, you can also optionally choose to add a listing for any product(s) to the E-junkie Marketplace, where you would have your own E-junkie Shop page listing only your own products at a specific URL like this example:


Squarespace isn't a wise choice for building a nice storefront, haha. And the marketplace is exactly what I am talking about, if it were a little customizable. Take Zazzle.com for instance. You can load your items and pictures and sell right there. Maybe I am mistaken and the market place can do those things, but if the e-junkie markewtplace background could be skinned to match a website and add categories like "Books, Downloads" etc. that would be perfect. That's all I am looking for. I apologize for all this confusion. it stinks not being a programmer...So with that said can the market place be customized to a website and only show specific products, or is the marketplace one big store for everybodies stuff?

There's the general Marketplace, which is all product listings posted by all sellers together:


...and each seller has their own Marketplace Shop page, which shows only their own product listings, such as the example I gave above:


Marketplace pages cannot be customized/themed/skinned. They are primarily intended for sellers who don't have their own Web site and/or don't want to bother with HTML or anything else remotely technical. I'm not aware of any Development plans to add that feature, but we can add it to the Wishlist as a request for future consideration.

If you're already handy with HTML and CSS, it would probably be more effort to write a custom CSS file to restyle our Marketplace pages anyway, rather than just building a dedicated site from scratch, reusing the same design template for every page -- i.e., design just one page first, then copy that page for every other page and replace the content in the middle as necessary for each product.

There's the general Marketplace, which is all product listings posted by all sellers together:


...and each seller has their own Marketplace Shop page, which shows only their own product listings, such as the example I gave above:


Marketplace pages cannot be customized/themed/skinned. They are primarily intended for sellers who don't have their own Web site and/or don't want to bother with HTML or anything else remotely technical. I'm not aware of any Development plans to add that feature, but we can add it to the Wishlist as a request for future consideration.

If you're already handy with HTML and CSS, it would probably be more effort to write a custom CSS file to restyle our Marketplace pages anyway, rather than just building a dedicated site from scratch, reusing the same design template for every page -- i.e., design just one page first, then copy that page for every other page and replace the content in the middle as necessary for each product.