Unfortunately my gallery pages will contain up to 100 or more items, and will have to be adjusted (and therefore re-published) at least a couple of times a week, if not daily. So having to do post-publish edits for each of the Add to Cart buttons (ie. up to 100 post-publish edits, where each "ADDITEM001", "ADDITEM002" etc placeholder text has to be replaced with the correct corresponding 001, 002 etc button code) would be far too time prohibitive. For example, I may only need to adjust a gallery page in one small way (such as removing a sold nugget, as each of my nuggets are one-off purchases obviously) but as soon as I publish that one small change it would necessitate a complete post-publish cut and paste of the placeholder text for all items on that page (up to 100).... And I don't think a 'mass find and replace' scenario would work, as each specific placeholder text (eg. "ADDITEM067") would need to be replaced with its own specific button code (eg. item 067 button code)...
If it was only necessary to do a post-publish cut and paste for the one View Cart button (as the discussion thread above seems to suggest) then that would be very quick and doable... but as all buttons would need to be post-publish edited separately, that just isn't an option for me... what a shame.
So I'll have to accept that my shopping cart will appear in a new window rather than a groovy overlay (mentally adjusting to that loss now - ouch)...
...and hope that iWeb '10 (or perhaps iWeb '11, the way things are going) supports some sort of direct code editing... I'll be sending my feedback to this effect via [http://www.apple.com/feedback/iweb.html] and encourage as many others as possible to do the same. (This same issue affects a number of other commonly desired things, such as stat tracking.)
But if the next iWeb version doesn't support direct code editing (or a different way of handling java snippets), then please expect to hear back from me E-junkieGuru...! I really like the service/product of E-junkie and I plan to be a customer for quite some time, so I'd love to get be able to make as much out of the standard E-junkie features as others do (such as the cart overlay) - I don't think it would be out of the realm of possibility for a gifted tech guru to whip up some E-junkie button code that would have the cart overlay working from the separate widget01.html (or whatever it is) file?