First, make sure you are using your own View Cart code -- the example above referred to that specific Seller's cart.
Make sure you are using the standard JavaScript version of our button code -- i.e., make you you have NOT unchecked the box to remove JS from the code in your Get Button Codes screens.
Your browser must also have JS enabled for the overlay cart to work, otherwise it will fallback to work in popup mode for you, and the page must be "live" on the Web (it will not work in a local preview mode).
If this advice does not resolve the matter for you, please reply with the URL of your site, so we can have a look for ourselves to see what might be going on in your code.
I made the page in iWeb 09 and used some characters as placeholders where the buttons would go. I published the files to a folder and edited the html file for the page, replacing the characters with the button code from e-junkies. It seems to be working now. It would be great if there were an easier solution that would work through iWeb. I suppose this would require studying how iWeb '09 writes HTML which is way beyond my ability level. If you guys ever figure anything like this out, please let me know!
Hi Tyson,
I followed your suggestion for my iWeb '09 page of splitting my view cart code into two parts. Everything is working fine, except that the cart is not overlayed on my website. It is instead opening in a separate window. Java is enabled on both my web browser, as well as the code I'm getting from you guys.
My website isnt complete, as I am just uploading it to check how things work, but you can go to it at:
If you click the picture on the home page and then click the top left picture on the second will take you to the page where the 'add to cart' and 'view cart' buttons are.
If you have any suggestions, I'd really appreciate the help!
Adam, I have found that the following works extremely well:
on your iWeb page, place a TEXT BOX with some text in it- a code word that you know appears nowhere in the page, such as VIEWCARTGOESHERE or something. Everywhere you want the View Cart button add this text box. Text box should be the size of the button. Do this for other e-junkie buttons you want, and just change the code name. you can use, forexample, ADDCARTBUTTON1 or whatever you like. Publish your pages to a folder.
Download a program called MassReplaceIt 1
Launch MassReplaceIt and configure as follows:
MASK TAB>ADD Extension is .html and select radio button for "all criteria"
OPTIONS TAB>Check Serach:Contents, Location:Entire File/filename, Options Case Sensitive, Search whole words only
OPTIONS TAB>OPEN PREFERENCES>GENERAL>check add items to the front search, add the folder, search the folder's name and contents, ignore invisible files, apply mask when searching begins.
Then go to the Find TAB and enter your code word that you used (VIEWCARTGOESHERE). Then under Replace copy the html code that e-junkie provides you. Repeat this process for all buttons on your iweb pages.
Then under the FILES tab, add the files from your published folder. Then click Replace.
Mass ReplaceIt will search all the files you add for the code words and replace the code words with the html code. You can save the query for using later. I currently have one query with all my buttons programmed in to find and replace. Every time I publish my site I just run MassReplaceIt and it puts all the right html code in for me. Since it saves the query including which files it looks at, it's pretty automated. If you have questions, just ask. Hope this helps.
BTW, this technique should really only be necessary with our View Cart code.
Last I was aware, iWeb's HTML Snippet widget should work fine with the Add to Cart code, unless something has changed with iWeb09 where it now puts all snippets into a separate file with an iframe instead of just doing that only to snippets that contain JavaScript (which was always the problem with our View Cart code in iWeb previously).
from my experience i have had to do it with all e-junkie html codes, not just view cart. iweb 09 puts everything in separate html files called widget01.html or something. it's not a bad deal to add the text placeholder and replace it later with MassReplaceIt actually. Better than having to learn html and javascript, IMO.
I like that i can fix this on my own using MassReplaceIt, but why am i paying for a service that does not suite the needs of my website... it is allot of extra steps just to put a cart button on the page... It is semi automated, but i still need to save/publish to file first, MRI the file, then republish on line... then go make sure it workeded... It really would be great if the the cart button just worked... is this being loooked into?
It is simply an inherent problem with the way that iWeb functions when you paste-in code snippets. The cart button does "just work", but only if you can paste the ready-made HTML code for your buttons directly into the raw HTML of your page source.
Most other Web design software provides some method to accomplish this, but Apple apparently thinks that their target iWeb users don't have any need to directly access the HTML code that iWeb is generating for them. It would certainly be nice if Apple provided a built-in way to directly edit the raw HTML of a page from within iWeb itself, but they haven't seen fit to add such a feature in several successive revisions of iWeb, and we have no control over how Apple chooses to design their iWeb program.
It's because the View Cart code contains some javascript, and that causes iWeb to store the snippet in a completely separate file (which would then get displayed in a tiny, button-sized iframe embedded in the page) rather than putting the code snippet directly in the main page itself.
Because the View Cart code must be pasted into the main page source directly to generate our nice cart overlay in front of your page content, putting the View Cart code in an separate iframe file means the Add to Cart code can't call those overlay functions to display the cart in that manner, so clicking Add to Cart works in fallback mode to open the cart in a new popup window. Clicking View Cart does display the overlay cart, but it's trapped inside that tiny, button-sized iframe where it winds up being totally useless (this is why the View Cart button seems to "disappear" when you click it -- it's actually a button-sized glimpse of the cart overlay covering up the button image inside the iframe :^).
Hi E-junkieGuru (or any other tech guy),
I'm trying to use the "replace XXXX placeholder text with View Cart button code" as described above, but it doesn't seem to be working for me. The placeholder text does get replaced with the View Cart button, but the Add Cart buttons still generate the opening of a separate window, and the View Cart button, even though it does generate an overlay, always shows an empty cart, even if you've put stuff in the cart using the Add Cart buttons.
The test page I'm referring to is:
Are you able to take a look and see what might be going on? The workaround seems to have worked for others above, and I'm using iWeb '09 as they are. Any help would be much appreciated.
We also received your email, but I'll respond here in case anyone else can benefit from the reply.
It looks like your Add to Cart code is also getting placed in a separate file and "called in" for display in the page rather than getting inserted directly in the page itself, so you'll need to use the manual-edit/placeholder-replacement method to paste in your Add to Cart button codes as well as your View Cart code.
Give that a shot and reply to let us know if you still have any problems with that.
Unfortunately my gallery pages will contain up to 100 or more items, and will have to be adjusted (and therefore re-published) at least a couple of times a week, if not daily. So having to do post-publish edits for each of the Add to Cart buttons (ie. up to 100 post-publish edits, where each "ADDITEM001", "ADDITEM002" etc placeholder text has to be replaced with the correct corresponding 001, 002 etc button code) would be far too time prohibitive. For example, I may only need to adjust a gallery page in one small way (such as removing a sold nugget, as each of my nuggets are one-off purchases obviously) but as soon as I publish that one small change it would necessitate a complete post-publish cut and paste of the placeholder text for all items on that page (up to 100).... And I don't think a 'mass find and replace' scenario would work, as each specific placeholder text (eg. "ADDITEM067") would need to be replaced with its own specific button code (eg. item 067 button code)...
If it was only necessary to do a post-publish cut and paste for the one View Cart button (as the discussion thread above seems to suggest) then that would be very quick and doable... but as all buttons would need to be post-publish edited separately, that just isn't an option for me... what a shame.
So I'll have to accept that my shopping cart will appear in a new window rather than a groovy overlay (mentally adjusting to that loss now - ouch)...
...and hope that iWeb '10 (or perhaps iWeb '11, the way things are going) supports some sort of direct code editing... I'll be sending my feedback to this effect via [] and encourage as many others as possible to do the same. (This same issue affects a number of other commonly desired things, such as stat tracking.)
But if the next iWeb version doesn't support direct code editing (or a different way of handling java snippets), then please expect to hear back from me E-junkieGuru...! I really like the service/product of E-junkie and I plan to be a customer for quite some time, so I'd love to get be able to make as much out of the standard E-junkie features as others do (such as the cart overlay) - I don't think it would be out of the realm of possibility for a gifted tech guru to whip up some E-junkie button code that would have the cart overlay working from the separate widget01.html (or whatever it is) file?
E-junkie Guru, you said that the technique suggested by Monkeyman was necessary only for replacing the View Cart button, but I proved that he was right in a previous post. It's better to apply the technique suggested by him(1 adding text boxes for both Add Cart and View Cart buttons. I tried the first time only with the View Cart code, and it did not work. Only when I replaced both, it ran well.
Hernando Murillo
Thanks for sharing that tip! I presume you're referring to the method described in "Chapter 3: Using iTweak" on this page:
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