19 / 19
May 2014

Hi everyone,

couldn't find anything here on this problem. Probably has to do with iWeb (Apple's WYSIWYG editor) in which I am creating my site. I hope that someone can give me a hint.

I am placing my "add to cart" and "view cart" buttons with iWeb's "Web Widget" feature. All Widgets I place this way work (Google Ad Sense, Google Search Box, Google maps, Slide slideshow-widget, viewbook widget, e-junkie "Add to cart" button). Just the e-junkie "view cart" buttons doesn't work.

I checked Mac Safari and Firefox (latest versions) and PC Explorer 6 and 7, but it is the same in all of them: on click, the "view cart" button disappears. I also removed several instances of the button and just left one on the page, just in case, but still...

I just copied and pasted the code from the e-junkie site one more time, but still..... Does somebody know about known issues with the e-junkie "view cart" button code and iWeb? Why would the "add to cart" button work, but the "view cart" button not?

Here is a link to one of my product pages in my test environment: 2http://www.cartafina.com/storymeter.html2

Thanks for any suggestions


That's a common issue iWeb users run into. Basically when you paste the button code in your iWeb page, by default it pastes as a widget .. in an "iFrame".

You have to instead edit the page and paste the button code in the page itself directly.

Hm, that kind of suck, since the shopping cart is my main reason for using e-junkie. Otherwise I could just place paypal buttons (they work fine with the iWeb widgets).

Since iWeb writes horrible code (amazing that the site works at all), I can't go in and place the button in the source code later on. I would spend more time fiddling it into the code than creating the whole site in HTML from scratch.

There has to be another way to get that button into the iWeb page. After all, the "add to cart" button works just fine. I don't see any reason why the other one shouldn't as well.

Hope an e-junkie developer can answer me on this one.



Petra, I am E-junkie's lead developer. The cart does work on sites built on iWeb, if the code is placed directly in the page rather than as an iFrame.

ADD TO CART button is working on your site in "degraded" mode (it's opening a pop-up window!) .. if you are fine with that solution (rather than placing the code directly in the page body), then simply generate the non-JS version of our VIEW CART button code in seller admin and place that in your page as the JS version when pasted in the iWeb will be placed by default in an iFrame and the cart won't be visible (that's why you see the VIEW CART button disappear).

Thanks Robin!

That also answers my other question about the new window opening (instead of the nice layer).

I just looked at the iWeb code. Disaster. Will place the non-javascript buttons until I find a solution.



I have heard that iWeb'08 has some sort of Expert Mode or Raw HTML option that allows you do view/edit/save the HTML code directly instead of having to do everything through the visual-layout interface, so you might poke around in menus or settings for that.

23 days later


thanks for the hint. Hm, I I checked intensively and it looks like there really is only a WYSIWYG interface. Ah, well. The buttons work, that's the main thing! BTW, thanks for thinking of providing this scaled down version. Great backup solution. Eventually I'll spend some money to have my site professionally coded and then it's no problem to add the actual buttons with the nice layer effect. For now it works just fine.

I just recommended e-junkie to a friend of mine. He is getting his site programmed professionally, so he can take full advantage of your features.


thanks for the hint. Hm, I I checked intensively and it looks like there really is only a WYSIWYG interface. Ah, well. The buttons work, that's the main thing! BTW, thanks for thinking of providing this scaled down version. Great backup solution. Eventually I'll spend some money to have my site professionally coded and then it's no problem to add the actual buttons with the nice layer effect. For now it works just fine.

I just recommended e-junkie to a friend of mine. He is getting his site programmed professionally, so he can take full advantage of your features.

Thx for the recommendation!

BTW, if you wanted to try editing your pages manually after using iWeb to do all the page-design "heavy lifting", we recommend designing your page in iWeb with "placeholder text" like XXXXX whereever you'd want our buttons to appear. Then after you save the pages and close iWeb, you can open the pages in something like TextWrangler, find the XXXXX placeholders, and replace that with our button code.

8 days later


oh, I hadn't thought about that. Thanks!!!! Good workaround!

1 year later

Hi there. I am having this exact same problem with the View Cart button just disappearing when you click on it. I am using the Moonfruit WYSIWYG editor and have tried using the HTML widget which at least shows the button in the first place. I have also tried placing the code directly on the page - which with this editor means adding a text box. Any ideas???

I think you would want to contact Moonfruit support, to ask how they suggest you should paste-in ready-made HTML, in such a way that the HTML would get inserted directly into the page itself without any modification whatsoever. They appear to have a forum here where you might post your question:


Hi there, thanks for the suggestion. I posted on the Moonfruit forum and one of their support guys came back to say that their software does not support HTML directly on the page. I am very happy with e-junkie and don't want to have to look at other products, so I am hoping there is another way around my issue.

My problem is that I need to be able to offer two forms of shipping to my customers: Hand Delivery @ £4.95 (within a 20 mile radius) and Postal Delivery @ £8.95 (everywhere else). At the moment I have the cart set-up with a drop down offering both of these options, but due to the limited description space (10 characters!) I can only enter "Hand" and "Post" as descriptions - which is not clear enough and often leads to customers choosing the wrong delivery and orders having to be refunded and processed again with the correct charge.

I did make a suggestion a while ago for the shipping description text field to be increased so that I could enter a longer description, but there has been no progress on that since. So instead I was hoping to add a line of text within the shipping cart itself explaining the two delivery options as a reminder to customers at the stage they need it most.

If I am unable to paste HTML directly onto my site pages, and if you guys are unable to increase the size of the shipping description field, are there any other ways that I can add more details about the two shipping methods actually within the shopping cart?

Or, can anyone recommend another third party PayPal compatible tool that will allow me to achieve this?

Thanks in advance............

There is a way to add custom HTML to the cart, but that would require the ability to paste HTML into your own page.

You may at least be able to use the non-javascript version of our Add to Cart or Buy Now buttons on your Moonfruit site, although this would not use the nice, overlay-style appearance of our standard cart, and Buy Now buttons cannot use some of our standard cart's features (such as tax, shipping and some discounts). Just get the href= URL out of the button code we provide and paste that into whatever link/button maker widget Moonfruit provides to you.

Without being able to paste HTML into your own Web site, your options are very limited, so you might want to consider moving to a different platform if you want to stick with E-junkie and Moonfruit cannot accommodate you. We can recommend the Web site resources listed on this page:


4 years later

HI...I don't really understand what Moonfruit is or iWeb either but my VIEW CART button is also disappearing when clicked. I have a WIX site. I was having problems since the beginning so I simply thought I might not need the 'View Cart' button. All my 'ADD TO CART buttons work well even though they open to another 'payment' page...that is OK. I thought it is just supposed to work like that.

During a test of a purchase of a physical item (that will be shipped), we decided to try the 'Update Cart' and 'continue shopping' buttons. Fine. But then we couldn't easily get back to the shopping cart without clicking on another 'Add To Cart' button (which of course added another product!).

So I realized I needed that 'View Cart' button and went into the 'Edit/ Delete Products' menu in 'Seller's Admin' and chose a product and took the 'View Cart' code offered at the end of the process and pasted into my WIX HTML.


1. Will that code generated by one product allow me to view all the products in the cart at anytime during the purchase experience (if it is done properly)? I just duplicated and used the same button on pages with items for sale.

2. Why is the VIEW CART button disappearing? (I enlarged the window it is in and I caught of glimpse of the word 'LOADING' and the button turned into a tiny window with sliders for up/ down and sideways...what could be causing this?

3. Lastly, during our test...we chose the 'Checkout' button (we were on my wife's computer to pretend to be a real client) and the following page did not carry the shipping cost that was added by my shipping rules on the previous page. The shipping rules work well (thanks to you guys!) on the first page of the payment process. What have I done wrong here?

This code will allow you a visit to my site!


Thank you,


BTW, my site is not published yet! I was just doijng final tests...hoping to publish tomorrow!


Your View Cart code is unique to you but the same for all your products, so it doesn't matter which product's button-codes screen you copy it from, just take care to copy it directly from Seller Admin (rather than copy-pasting existing View Cart code from one page of your site to another), and paste at least one instance of that button code into every page that has any number of Add to Cart buttons. Every View Cart button should display all items the buyer has added to their cart via any combination of your Add to Cart buttons for particular items.

The View Cart button is "disappearing" because of the way Wix is inserting that button code into your page via an iframe, rather than inserting the code directly into the main page itself. Please see this help page for our recommendations on pasting E-junkie button codes into a Wix site:


PayPal checkouts will only show shipping/tax amounts once the buyer has provided their actual shipping address during checkout, so PayPal can contact our system to make sure the shipping/tax charges are appropriate for their location. This prevents confusing or misleading the buyer in case the address they provide does not match the location they'd specified in their cart before checkout, which may change the calculated charges.

Thank you for your help and the link for pasting that 'View Cart' code into WIX. I will attempt it now and let you know how it goes.

Hey e-junkie! Thanks for that very simple adaptation for my WIX site. I am using the non-javascript code and it works perfect. I'm almost ready to publish!! Yay!

thank you!
