If I do not want to use Stock but I have custom variables after that in the line can I just leave it blankEx: TC10514,8.75,1.00,,7/32 Dia. - $8.75, ^Is that how you handles something like that?
Yes, just leave its position empty but retain the delimiting comma to skip to the next position in line. BTW, you'd also need one more comma on the end, since there are 3 option value positions to comma-delimit at the end of each line -- e.g.:TC10514,8.75,1.00,,7/32 Dia. - $8.75,,
Thank you for your help, Your support and easy to use code is very nice
I took a look back at some of the items I created with this formatTC10514,8.75,1.00,,7/32 Dia. - $8.75,,and it automatically puts a 0 in between the commas for stockTC10514,8.75,1.00,0,7/32 Dia. - $8.75,,Please advise
Do you also have Inventory Control enabled on the first screen of settings for that product? If not, then the stock figure doesn't matter.
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