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Feb 2015

To the programmers at e-junkie: Love the service. I was wondering if you have a way to include Paypal APIs. I have some digital content we are getting ready to start selling that is actually a line of products that are to be a 50/50 split with another company. I would love to use the setup which wold allow the funds per purchase to be split 50% (including paypal fees) between our company and the other company as it hits the payal accounts.Currently, through e-junkie, I don't see a way to set this up in the button code. Can anyone help. This is extremely important and I have to get it done somehow:)

  • created

    Aug '12
  • last reply

    Feb '15
  • 3


  • 1.3k


  • 4


  • 1


At present we don't support PayPal's Adaptive Payments nor have any other way to split payment between multiple recipients, but we'll add that to our wishlist for consideration as a possible new feature at some point in the future.

You can at least use your E-junkie Transaction Log to determine revenue for any given product and/or time period, to calculate a periodic (e.g. weekly/monthly/quarterly) share amount you'd pay to a partner manually by whatever means you wish:


2 years later

I'm interested in Adaptive payments as well!! It's been a few years since Vendera asked for this, I'm wondering if eJunkie now supports it? (oh please oh please oh please!)

I'm afraid that's not something that we can support yet, although it remains on our list for future consideration. We have to balance that against other requests that may be more widely desired and have no other way to be accomplished manually, though.

In the meantime it is still possible to split revenue manually as Guru mentioned above, and you can have automatic notifications of sales sent to your partners to give them visibility of what is being sold in addition to using those same records to determine their earnings.