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Mar 2009

I am looking for a way to have an affiliate link to my site and hit a special landing page that is only viewable through that link. The downloadable file is a special package that I don't want all my affiliates to have access to. If I use a common affiliate link, can I direct to the special landing page? If I use a direct link, then won't it be visible to all affiliates?

  • created

    Mar '09
  • last reply

    Nov '11
  • 5


  • 1.1k


  • 3


  • 2


We don't have any means to provide each Affiliate or any specific Affiliate with a unique landing page, nor to make certain products sellable by some certain Affiliate(s) and not others.

You may be interested in this Forum discussion that goes into more detail about how our Affiliate features and the various link types actually work:


2 years later

It has been awhile since this post...just want to see if it is still true.

I really want to have a separate (private) landing pages for each affiliate. Any way to do this?

We don't have a built-in way to accomplish that, but this related thread may give you some ideas to accomplish that with the help of some custom scripting in your site:


E.g., you could ask affiliates to add a parameter to their link URL, which would be appended to your landing page URL, and custom scripting in your site could look for that parameter to redirect the buyer to the proper affiliate-specific page.

thanks for the info. If I do that will their sales still track properly?

Yes, the extra URL parameters won't affect tracking of affiliate referrals and commission earnings at all.