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Mar 2009


We'd like to use E-junkie to collect donations for a mayoral campaign, but we have a couple of tweaks needed. We will be using Authorize.net as the payment gateway.

1. Can we add custom fields of info to be collected during the checkout process? There are special pieces of data which are required to document that a person is eligible to donate to our campaign. A checkbox would be needed too, eg. click here to confirm that the following info is true.

2. Can we point a subdomain at ejunkie, buy an ssl cert & operate the cart from that subdomain of ours? The junkie part showing in URL's of the cart is a lil bit of a black eye.

Thanks for your help,


  • created

    Mar '09
  • last reply

    Mar '10
  • 5


  • 1.0k


  • 3


Because E-junkie is a centrally-managed service that operates only on our server and gets integrated into your Web pages only at the HTML level, it is not possible to use the E-junkie cart with your own domain and SSL cert, as the latter requires installing and configuring cart software on your own server, which cannot be done with E-junkie.

For related security and programming reasons, our Authorize.Net (and PayPal Pro) checkout page also cannot be customized, as that page is generated in common for all merchants using our service with Authorize.Net, so any modifications to that page would affect all merchants who use it.


Great answers; thank you. I will try e-junkie for a different type of client.


11 months later


I understand the security issue as you outlined -- I think -- but what about the screen prior to the credit card data?

For example, you have the field for entering a Coupon Code, Zip Code...so why not the option of adding custom fields for Phone Number, How Did You Find Us, or whatever, and that data could then be transferred as part of the Receipt data?



E-junkie is a centrally-managed service shared in common among all clients using our system. The cart script that your View Cart code calls into your page is one and the very same cart script that every other E-junkie merchant's View Cart code also calls into their own pages. Thus, it is impossible to make any modification to the cart's appearance or functionality for just one merchant that would not also apply just the same to every other merchant using our cart.

You can make Phone Number a required field during checkout for payment methods that support it, in your E-junkie Seller Admin > Payment Preferences. Note that for PayPal checkouts, this setting would be made in your PayPal account rather than at our end.