5 / 5
Jan 2010

Hi, I see this topic has been brought up before.

Could you please tell me if and when UPS or FEDEX shipping options are going to be working?

  • created

    Feb '09
  • last reply

    Jan '10
  • 4


  • 1.0k


  • 4


I only know that Development has discussed possibly adding UPS rates at some point, so I will assign this to our Lead Developer's attention if he can offer any further info about that.

Thank you! The USPS is not known for providing the best service and I would love to have other options with your shopping cart software. Thank you.

Please make this available as we run all our stuff threw UPS.

The USPS system just wont work for us in what we ship out.

11 months later

Perhaps you can clear up my confusion. I have worked on this for over two hours and I still cannot get it right.

I am shipping using UPS rate lookups.

If I sell a very heavy item to Oregon, 97032 zip code, the FedEx cost is $133.66 because it is oversized and weighs 1248 oz. I have configured the box to accept only one item. I have fiddled with the weight and cost of the package and the weight of the item to make it come out to the $133.66. That is correct.

If I sell one 2 oz item in a small box, with a 20 unit box maximum, I have it charge 8.99. That is fine.

Now, here is the problem. If I sell one heavy item at the same time as I sell one 2 oz item, it over charges the shipping. It isn't $133.66 + 8.99 or $142.65, it is $150.39.

This represents an overcharge of $7.74. I thought that it looked at each box as a separate unit, unless I chose to combine them.