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Jun 2009

When will we be able to have UPS integration with e-junkie?

We also need it to work with Negotiated Rates.

This is something we honestly need asap!

  • created

    Jun '09
  • last reply

    Oct '09
  • 10


  • 1.3k


  • 6


Development has been making progress on adding support for UPS rate lookups in our back-end processing system, so if all continues to proceed well on that front without any show-stopper obstacles cropping up, it should be joining our Shipping features at some point, hopefully soon.

I've mentioned your concern re: negotiated rates to our Lead Developer, and he says we will support that if possible with the UPS rate-lookup API we have to work with, if and when this new feature enhancement is finally complete, stable, and ready to go live

Unfortunately, that's all we can say about it for now; it will be ready as soon as it's ready, and we won't rush some half-built or broken thing into production simply to pat ourselves on the back or because there's a demand for it.

Hey Tyson,

Thats good to hear I just worry about the fact that I searched on e-junkie community and you guys have been saying this since 2007. So I honestly just want to make sure this will happen.

I've only been here since last year personally, but it's true that UPS integration has proven to be much more complicated than we'd anticipated, so it hasn't been ready to make the cut for live rollout as soon as we'd planned before we actually opened that can o'worms. :^)

4 months later

Re: UPS Shipping Rule


Based on the above post, I'm not clear if UPS is "active" as an option?

I have a UPS shipping rule established, but UPS does not show in the drop down menu.

The two choices showing are USPS Priority, and USPS Express.



One thing to bear in mind is that Shipping Rules based on more specific locations will override Rules with more general locations.

E.g., if you have some Shipping Rules defined for All Countries and some for US only, then buyers who choose a US destination in their cart would only be offered Shipping Methods for US-only rules and no Methods defined for All Countries.

Thanks for the clarification.

But I'm still confused.

When I attempt to create a rule for UPS Ground, the Country is disabled, or grayed out.

I want to ship in US all states.

What am I missing?


MusicEverybodyI want to ship in US all states.

Just make sure that you have ALL STATES selected in the States dropdown.

Re: The UPS shipping rule problem

I've been helping The Now Clock Company set up their shipping rules, but have been making posts via my MusicEverybody account.

This post is made from The Now Clock Company account in regard to the UPS issue.

You may need to look at the shipping rules I've created in The Now Clock Company account, because I cannot achieve creation of a UPS shipping rule.

I have completed every step, US, All States, US Dollars, Min items, Min. Weight, Min Total, but it does not create, because the Country gets grayed out, like I said in my first post.

Please let me know. The Now Clock Company staff will forward your reply to me.



When UPS is selected in the Shipping Rate Calculator drop down the Country is set to United States and then grayed out. This is because we can only automatically calculate UPS ground shipping with in the US.

Are you saying that it will not let you Submit the rule once it is setup? If not what are you trying to setup and what is not working?

So you know if you select the option for UPS ground in the Shipping Rate Calculator drop down our system automatically changes the country to US since UPS ground is only available in the United States.