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Nov 2007


Is it possible to upload a newer version of my product so that it replaces the old one without first deleting the old one. I am not sure if this is possible and if it is I would like to know how to go about it.

I am new to this, just started a few days ago, so please bear with me if this is rather obvious. I did check FAQ and Help, but was not able to find an answer to my problem.

I am not using a full-blown cart, but a Paypal button thing.



It is possible. Just go to Admin > Edit Product and use the "overwrite" button.

Which is more effective, deleting a file or overwriting it when one adds an update?

So, I just made another mistake. I deleted a file because I had uploaded it as a Word Doc instead of as a PDF. Then I added it again as a PDF. Since I didn't overwrite it what will happen?