We are still working on the new buyer-email list management features; sorry, I had replied thinking you were asking about the .csv import, which is something we Support personnel can now perform without having to ask Development to do it manually. Also, if you send new postal-signup customers a free download link, there's a box you can check to "Invite recipient to join mailing list for this product", so they can simply add themselves -- you can even type something in the Email Message field when you issue the free link, specifically instructing them to click both links: one to get their first download, the other to join the list for future downloads.
You do have full access to all customer data collected in your Transaction Log, which you are free to download and manipulate however you wish. We've basically doubled our clientele over the past year, and up to then, there simply wasn't much demand for more comprehensive list management features, and the few requests for adding/removing emails that did come in could be accomplished manually, so it was more work to create those features from scratch than to just attend to the occasional request personally. Obviously the situation has changed now, so we're working on creating more self-service features you'll be able to use for that and other things.
Our goal has always been to identify clearly and precisely what we are and just do that as well as possible, and wherever possible to not attempt reinventing the wheel. E-junkie is, first and foremost, a dead-simple and elegant shopping cart and digital fulfillment service that anyone can figure out how to use, and everything we do is a direct extension of that core feature set -- e.g., all of our email-related functions are just an extension of the thank-you emails we send to provide buyers with a link to their download page. E-junkie is not a payment processor, as third-party services like PayPal already do that better than we could, so we simply integrate with them. E-junkie is not an email-marketing or subscription-management service, as other services like Aweber already do that better than we could ever hope to, so we offer a simple integration procedure for that service. We can't be everything to everybody, and trying to be that is how many startup businesses lose their focus and squander their resources, eventually winding up as something bloated, sprawling and half-baked that pleases no one by trying to please everyone.