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Jan 2010

I sell cell software that downloads and install right to the phone from a link. it is not a file but a series of files that can only be downloaded from the server. I set up a product and was able receive an email with the link and it brought me to the ejunkies page. When i click on the link there the actual link will invoke a download for the cell phone at that point all bets are off cause that link can be stored in favorites and even passed around via sms. Is there a way for me to be able to hide the link and limit it through ejunkies severs where no one can have access to it unless they go through the ejunkie purchasing procedure?

  • created

    Jan '10
  • last reply

    Jan '10
  • 2


  • 1.0k


  • 2


  • 1


Is there a way to have ejunkie host my files on their server where even if you knew the address you can not D/L applications?

Our system issues each buyer a unique download link, which expires after the number of attempts and (optional) hours you specify in the product's settings. Even if someone tries to share their link with others, it will soon enough become useless for everybody as time runs out or the max hits allowed for the download URL are exhausted.

However, all our download links are configured to download a copy of your file to the buyer's computer. If you need buyers to just open/run your file without actually downloading a copy of it, you can use product-specific Redirection instead of Single File Download, but that would expose your file's remote URL in the buyer's browser. You may be able to use some custom scripting at your end to monitor access using the parameters we append to your Redirection URL, as documented here:
