10 / 18
Dec 2007

I've been looking at the Trial Pay and eJunkie sites and can't find an answer regarding payment, maybe I just missed it somewhere: Someone agrees to try our product(s) and is taken to the TrialPay site where they choose to try something. I see that (on the right side) it says "Credits in 1 Day" or "Credits Instantly." Am I to assume that that is the period of time it takes before my download(s) are released to them? And, that's the point where I officially get credit for the trial? And I believe that all transactions are accumulated on their end and we're paid lumpsum on the 15th, right?

> it says "Credits in 1 Day" or "Credits Instantly." Am I to assume that that is

> the period of time it takes before my download(s) are released to them?


> And, that's the point where I officially get credit for the trial?

> And I believe that all transactions are accumulated on their end and we're paid

> lumpsum on the 15th,

I've invited TrialPay to comment about these two.


The time period listed next to the offer is the average time it takes for the advertiser to report completion to TrialPay, at which point, the merchant (tvsmvp, for example) gets credited the monetary bounty and the consumer gets the download link to your product.

All revenue generated for the previous month is paid out on the 15th of the next month. For example, all revenue generated in October is paid out on November 15th, provided you meet the thresholds for each payments method. ($100 for most methods).

Thanks for the info. I'll post it on the site and test it for a bit, then when I'm sure things are running smoothly, I'll send it out to my newsletter subs.

Glad to hear it -- remember that we're here to help you in any way we can. Email us at any time: merchantsupport@trialpay.com

We've built out a good amount of expertise on how to best utilize our platform and we'd be glad to offer our assistance in optimizing the graphics, layout, or marketing messages of your TrialPay offers.

I've been running through the sign up process and am waiting for approval. Toward the end of the eJunkie instructions, it says that I'll need to return and: "Click on GET LINKS to get your TrialPay buttons and code. Place this code on your website page where you are selling this product." Are these buttons different than the buttons I've been generating myself (based on the eJunkie add-to-cart template) for other products? Can I not simply tailor the code I've been using (presumably by simply changing the id)? I'd like customers to have the choice of paying using PayPal or Google Checkout (as my other products) plus the Trial Pay option. And I'd like to continue "auto-generating" the links if possible. Please advise.

There are 2 options, the first option on that page describes how you can use E-junkie with our cart buttons.

And if we follow all the instructions on that page (for both options) can we do/use both? Or is it mutually exclusive? Will entering all that code at the bottom of the page mess up what I'd trying to accomplish with Option 1, for instance?

I've signed up using both options - though I believe that I'll simply use the "buy now" button to keep customers from getting confused on all the alterntives.

I notice that in my Trialpay account, under "Checkouts," I now have not one but two "checkouts" listed. Has one been placed there for each option I've set up? (Buy Now and Add to Cart) They may be an obvious "yes" - but it might also be because I screwed up and entered something incorrectly. Please advise.


The "other" checkout was created to enable the Add to Cart option. We encourage the use of both.

Thanks. Any other questions, let us know.

Well, the customer service from TrialPay and E-Junkie is exemplary, to say the least.

I may be missing something obvious here, but why is it referred to as an "example campaign"? Is it not simply my campaign, period? I sat and stared at that, wondering if it was put there for show - or if it was "real."

Sorry for any confusion -- when a new checkout is created, a default campaign is created for you. It is called an "Example Campaign," because we encourage you to create others as you need different campaigns. For example, if you have two different pages on your site, you can create different campaigns for each to track the different conversion rates for each campaign you create. This isn't mandatory and you can use the Example Campaign for all your checkouts if you want.

I hope that makes sense! Let us know if it doesn't.

The "Free with TrialPay" button that was furnished for my use was created against a white background - causing the corners to look odd (and "unkept") on my site with its grey bg. Any chance of allowing us to generate buttons based on our own color scheme?

You're welcome to create any button you'd like to use with the TrialPay link.

Or if you need us to create a button for you, let us know what colors and what URL you'd like to place it at so we can match it for you.

Just give us an email at merchantsupport@trialpay.com


Thanks for the cool new button - that was a great Christmas bonus.

A note for my friends at eJunkie: I will be very happy when eJunkie begins allowing us to include option details in the thank you page. I echo sentiments found on other posts that it is very important on a thank you page to include all aspects of a transaction (it's just kinda odd to send a "here are the details of your purchase" without including pertinents like color, size, etc.

Now, here's something I just noticed that made my hair stand up that all should be aware of: I had been including the total order price in my thanks page - but when my first TrialPay product sold BANG, there was that amount (that super-secret amount) there for the client to see. Remember, they thought they got it for free - and it sorta raises thoughts of "did I just get taken for x-bucks?" I have to place that in my common preference settings - so I can't make the price "0" - so the question is, is there a line of code I can include that will place the price actually paid (thus taking into account the 'free' nature of TrialPay)?

Option variables will be avalable on the thank you page by tomorrow.

> is there a line of code I can include that will place the price actually paid

We are showing the amount actually paid to "you". It's not possible for us to show amount paid by the buyer (which will only be different in TrialPay's case).

1 month later

I thought I'd type an update, having been with TrialPay now for a month or two: I know that I have my doubts any time I'm presented with such a new concepts - but, and without listing specifics, I can say that I've seen a nice chunk of change that I wouldn't have seen otherwise, making it worth my time to set TP up in the first place. Also, their customer service is absolutely sterling - a rare find these days. And note: I have indeed been paid more from TrialPay for almost all of the transactions, with the average being well above what I would have received otherwise. Like one of the other posts stated, you're not gonna get rich - it's sort of a slow trickle - but it's "found money" and worth your time.