11 / 11
Dec 2007

But works super swell in Safari. http://www.breakintovoiceover.com We're trying it out on the "Your Voice Over Business" product. Click that and then click "Click To Purchase" and the gray that is usually transparent is opaque in FireFox. Help?

  • created

    Nov '07
  • last reply

    Dec '07
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23 days later
2 years later

I'm actually having the same problem in Safari as well as Google Chrome. The transparency settting works great in Internet Explorer so far but that's about it. Any advice for how you're writing the code to work in Safari? Or other browsers?

Ok, maybe I'm having a different problem than what you are describing here. The problem I'm having is that my flash header is popping up over the cart in all browsers except Internet Explorer. Does anyone know of a way around this?

I'm currently using the param settings suggested on the ejunkie site to set it to transparency but it only works in Internet Explorer.

It sounds like your site's Flash embedding is using one method for IE and another method for non-IE browsers, and the transparency parameter you've added only affects the IE embedding method but not the other. You might see if you can figure out what method is being used for non-IE browsers and see if there's a way to set WMODE to 'transparent' for that as well.

Thanks, I also received instruction from ejunkie tech support telling me how to change to having the cart load in it's own page which might be the best way to go. I've tried searching google for how to set WMODE to transparent in other browsers but can't seem to find anything. If anyone knows about how to do this I would love to hear from you!

If you could provide the URL of your page, we could have a look to see if there's any advice we could offer. :^)

I've actually decided to just remove the flash from the pages with my add to cart buttons. It's really just a floating clouds background and I think it will be fine without the moving background on the actual product purchase pages. My url is www.eftscripting.com

I've already begun changing out my flash but the following link still has it if you want to take a look and advise:


If you can't come up with anything though, no worries, I think removing the flash is a better option than having the cart load in a separate window.


Actually don't bother trying to figure it out. Most cell phones can't handle flash anyway, so I've decided to remove it from my site all together. I want to reach the widest audience possible.

Thanks you for you help though!

You mentioned that a transparency issue was only occurring in FireFox on a Mac; I am having a similar problem on one of my websites. Could you possibly point me into the correct direction as to how to correct the transparency problem in FireFox on a Mac?