I think your transaction log links are broken.

When we click on any transaction in the log, it takes us to our thank you page - which of course doesn't make any sense in terms of usage or managment.

I assume it would take you to the transaction so you can reactivate the link or get more details. Currently, I have to very carefully copy (without clicking) the number, back out of the logs, go into reactivate and paste, and if I accidentally pasted the wrong transaction, it doesn't even ask for confirmation, it just sends the link giving a way a free copy and potential loss of sale.

Please tell me I'm doing something wrong or it's broken because that can't be the actual way it's supposed to function. :wink:

  • created

    Nov '11
  • last reply

    Nov '11
  • 1


  • 1.1k


  • 2


Actually, that is how they are supposed to work. Clicking on any transaction ID in your log brings up the thank you page that was provided for that order. If you've inserted your own thank you page, that will be what comes up.

You can still get the individual download page for any product in that transaction by scrolling right and clicking on the name of a particular product, those pages would be what is provided to a buyer via each product's own specific email message.

Note that if you have disabled your product specific emails AND added your own common thank you pages your buyers are left without any way to get their download links at all, which is why our default settings include displaying our own thank you page with the links in addition to sending out an email for each downloadable product.

As for reactivating links, you will need to copy the transaction ID and take it to the proper screen, that isn't a function that can be used from the log screen. You can also just send the buyer a new link instead if you prefer, using the Send Free Download Link function that would only require a buyer's email address.