4 / 4
Jan 2012

Hi there,

I tried to download the transaction log, and it just turned it into a gibberish text file. I can view the transaction log just fine, but I want to export it and mine data from it. Specifically, I want to know how much of my total sales are shipping & handling and also how much of a cut Paypal has taken from it. My sales totals in e-junkie aren't reflective of what the real income is, are they, if Paypal is taking their cut? How do I find out what my real revenue is?

Thanks in advance!


  • created

    Jan '12
  • last reply

    Jan '12
  • 3


  • 1.1k


  • 3


  • 1


When you open the transaction log after you download it you will want to make sure you open it in a spread sheet program, like Excel or Numbers. However, based on what you said you are looking for, you might want to consider using our third-party integrate feature and send the order data to your own server. From there you can write your own code to display the data how you want:


Thanks so much for the speedy reply and the tip. I opened in Excel, and it worked great!

I noticed, though, that even when I specified certain date parameters for my report (say, Nov. 1st through Dec. 21st of 2011), the downloaded report had ALL sales, not just my chosen timeframe. I could see the correct info on my screen when I viewed the report but when I dowloaded it, it pulled all data.

Am I doing something wrong?


When you select a date range, specific product or affiliate in your log, you must first click View Log to apply the selected parameters to your log view, then you can click Download Log to save that log view to your computer (i.e., the new parameters won't be applied if you change the date range and then click Download Log right away).