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Jul 2009

What are peoples experiences of how quickly customers are able to download a product if using Pay Pal? From my searches and reading here, it sounds like many times after a customer completes the payment using Pal Pal (not talking about an echeck) they are not directed to the E-junkie page to download the product nor is an e-mail sent out. I understand that this happens because the IPNs are not sent to E-junkie instantly.

On my store page, I want to put something brief about what customers should expect in terms of when they can download the product.

Thanks again for your help and time. Almost ready to put all of this into action - I can't wait!


  • created

    Jul '09
  • last reply

    Jul '09
  • 2


  • 925


  • 2


  • 1


You could say something like "You will be able to download as soon as PayPal completes your payment; usually this happens by the time you finish checkout and continue, but sometimes it takes longer. You will also receive an email with a link to your download page once payment is complete."

BTW, if the buyer continues past checkout before PayPal has submitted IPN to us confirming completed payment, then the buyer would see a generic thank-you page with some helpful information like this:
