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Apr 2009

I am about ready to pull my hair out. I'm trying to set up a page with four items. All four have variations. Two of them work fine the other two are giving me fits (on the left column). If I replace the E-Junkie code in the top one, the bottom one quits working and vice versa. I thought this was due to the fact that even though I have different SKUs the items descriptions were the same. I deleted the both products and started over with new unique descriptions too. It still does the same blasted thing. Is this because of the way E-junkie 'remembers' things for 24 hours?

It should not be this difficult.

  • created

    Apr '09
  • last reply

    Feb '12
  • 18


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  • 10


You might want to clear your browser cookies to start testing your cart with a clean slate. Sometimes when you are adding/deleting/modifying products and settings in Seller Admin at the same time you're testing a cart, the cart-tracking cookie we set in your browser can get confused, so deleting cookies should solve that problem for you.

If this doesn't solve the problem for you, please reply with the URL of your page having the problem, so we can have a look for ourselves and help sort out what's going on there.

You might want to clear your browser cookies to start testing your cart with a clean slate. Sometimes when you are adding/deleting/modifying products and settings in Seller Admin at the same time you're testing a cart, the cart-tracking cookie we set in your browser can get confused, so deleting cookies should solve that problem for you.

If this doesn't solve the problem for you, please reply with the URL of your page having the problem, so we can have a look for ourselves and help sort out what's going on there.

Thanks Tyson. It is still a no go. I deleted both products recreated them and tried viewing the page: http://soigeneris.com/A2Z3Tool_Holders.aspx, from a different PC. Both products on the left hand side will not come up. I'm at a loss to explain why...

Your page is not using the Add to Cart code that our system generates, as-is and unmodified, and the alterations in your page's version of the code are causing the problem. Please copy the exact and complete Add to Cart code provided in your Seller Admin for each affected product and use that code to replace the button codes in your page.

Also, you should copy your View Cart code from Seller Admin to replace the View Cart code you are using. It appears your View Cart code is copied from our demo pages, so that button will not work to display the cart for your own products, since it's referencing our account rather than yours.

Finally, I noticed you are using the "Variants having individual price/weight/stock/SKU" setting, yet all your variants' prices and weights are the same for each product; however, you also have Inventory Control enabled with a stock quantity of 1 for each variant, so perhaps you only have one of each type and don't want to oversell. If you did not actually need to limit sales in that manner, you may find it much easier to configure your product options using the "Variations which tell more..." setting rather than configuring Variants.

Your page is not using the Add to Cart code that our system generates, as-is and unmodified, and the alterations in your page's version of the code are causing the problem. Please copy the exact and complete Add to Cart code provided in your Seller Admin for each affected product and use that code to replace the button codes in your page.

Also, you should copy your View Cart code from Seller Admin to replace the View Cart code you are using. It appears your View Cart code is copied from our demo pages, so that button will not work to display the cart for your own products, since it's referencing our account rather than yours.

Finally, I noticed you are using the "Variants having individual price/weight/stock/SKU" setting, yet all your variants' prices and weights are the same for each product; however, you also have Inventory Control enabled with a stock quantity of 1 for each variant, so perhaps you only have one of each type and don't want to oversell. If you did not actually need to limit sales in that manner, you may find it much easier to configure your product options using the "Variations which tell more..." setting rather than configuring Variants.

I don't know how I got the demo view cart button in there? As far as the Add-To-Cart code. It is pasted in as unmodified HTML. However I am pasting a whole HTML table into a HTML 'module' in MS's WYSIWYG site designer. When I bring the page up and view the source (it is an ASP page) it looks like they pack the HTML.)

Anyhow I have created several pages in a similar manner and this was the only one giving me fits. On a whim I went back and recreated one item changing the SKUs and without using and quote character in the description and then removed the quotes from the second item description too. Now it all seems to work fine. I think it probably as to do more with changing SKU to something that I had not tried to use before.

The products really do have slightly different weights and SKUs. The quantities I put in for those particular products were bogus but helped to avoid any issues with 'This item is out of stock' while testing. But I am going to take advantage of the Inventory control.

It now seems that everything will work. The JS shopping cart looks much more professional than a new browser window popping up too.

Glad to hear you got it sorted out. It was indeed the " character that was causing problems, but the strange thing was that some Variant menu selections in your page escaped that character properly, and other menu items did not. The button code our Admin generated for your products escaped all of the quotes properly, so I'm puzzled how only some of them got altered in your page's code whilst others did not. BTW, if you really want to keep using them as inch symbols without causing problems, you might try using two 'single quotes' instead of one "double quote", see if that works better.

Thanks Tyson. I can live with spelling 'inch' out. It is very good to know what was causing the problem though.

Now to see if I can get a client side image map to act as a bunch of cart buttons....

1 year later

I am having the same problem described about. I created my page with Dreamweaver and then post my code into WYSIWYG editor. Some of my Add to Cart buttons partially work adding items to cart but not include comments. Other buttons just refresh page. When I post the code:

<form action="https://www.e-junkie.com/ecom/gb.php?c=cart&i=828029&cl=140023&ejc=2" target="ejejc" method="POST" accept-charset="UTF-8">

<div align="right">


<input type="image" src="http://www.kenyakeys.org/Images/Buttons/buttonadd_to_cart.gif" border="0" alt="Add to Cart" class="ec_ejc_thkbx" onclick="javascript:return EJEJC_lc(this.parentNode);"/>



<input type="hidden" name="on0" value="Enter Comments"/>

Enter Comments:

<input type="text" name="os0" maxlength="98"/>



it is re-written to:

<form accept-charset="UTF-8" method="POST" target="ej_ejc" action="https://www.e-junkie.com/ecom/gb.php?c=cart&i=828029&cl=140023&ejc=2">

<div align="right">

<p><input border="0" type="image" onclick="javascript:return EJEJC_lc(this.parentNode);" class="ec_ejc_thkbx" alt="Add to Cart" src="http://www.kenyakeys.org/Images/Buttons/buttonadd_to_cart.gif" /></p>

<p><input type="hidden" value="Enter Comments" name="on0" /> Enter Comments: <input type="text" maxlength="98" name="os0" /></p>



Any ideas?

The reformatting example you provided is not significant enough to affect the functioning of that button. I tested both versions in a page of my own, and both worked fine. Just make sure you are using the button code as provided in Seller Admin for each product, and make sure you have at least one complete block of View Cart code on every page that has any number of Add to Carts.

If you are not using "Variants having individual price/weight/stock/SKU" for any product having a problem, then the "Product combination does not exist" error could also happen if you change the Item Number of a product after you pasted its button code into your page. The button code references the Item Number, which our cart uses to look up the product's price and other settings in our database; this means if you change the product's Item Number, any button code using the old number suddenly isn't referring to any current product anymore. Just copy-paste fresh button code from Seller Admin after you change a product's Item Number.

I did copy over the code for all of my items which is 8. Item 1 in the list doesn't work, it just reloads the page. All of the buttons "Enter Comments" variants is not passing the comments to the cart. This site is being hosted by discountasp.net and uses fckeditor for page editing. When you tested my code did the comment section work?

Yes, the comment field worked fine when I tested the button code you provided above. Could you provide the URL of the page you're testing, so we could have a look at that and see what might be going on there? If you'd rather not post a link here, you could just email it to us:


Aha, I should have guessed from the hosting company's name you mentioned that this would be an ASP.NET site. That type of CMS (content management system, i.e. your site builder) makes every page into one, big, full-page Web form which it uses to manage your site content and layout. Since forms can't be nested one inside another, this causes problems with our button codes for Variants/Variations (which uses a form to submit the Comments to the cart in your case), and those button codes in turn may cause problems with the ASP.NET system.

The first button doesn't work right because it's activating the form action of the full-page ASP.NET form, rather than the button code's own form action. The other buttons work fine because the </form> tag at the end of the first button's code ends the ASP.NET full-page form prematurely (rather than where it should end, at the bottom of the page). However, this may be causing problems with your ASP.NET system, which may explain the malformed HTML I found in your page (notably, an entire extra HEAD section plus extra <body>, </body>, and </html> tags in the middle of the page).

If you absolutely need to have these Comment fields, you may need to contact your hosting company's support team to inquire whether our ready-made button codes using forms could be inserted in your page, and if so, how they would recommend that should be accomplished.

1 year later

Hello Jeff,

I'm not getting any errors with the buttons on that page, is the problem persisting on your end?

2 months later

Hello, I am having the same problem. I read that the code shouldn't be changed. I did not change the codes for the products but I placed them inside tables. Could that be the culprit?

Here's the link to the store of the website: 1http://www.mikethemachine.com/store/1

I wonder what may be causing the problem.

Jason, I believe we have chatted via e-mail about this issue and you were able to find and resolve this issue already. If you have any further questions please contact us here or e-mail support.