Hi all,

It's been asked many a time before (http://www.e-junkie.com/bb/topic/3086) but seemingly always a long time ago.

I was wondering if it is yet possible to have a link reading 'lorum ipsum 5 Items, £25.00 whatever'.

The website concerned is http://hatsforthehill.com/2012, currently a development site using FFC but considering upgrading to FFCPro. Done a lot of work on flash integration, so it'd be amazing for this to be possible and finish off the site!

The current 'hack' requires you to have opened the cart - is it the javascript element, or cart element that needs to be loaded? Could this be done in the background on load?

Thanks in advance,


  • created

    Jul '11
  • last reply

    Jul '11
  • 1


  • 1.2k


  • 2


  • 6


We've got a slight improvement in the recommended minicart syntax, which I just posted here:


For the particular sample link you mentioned, and I presume you want the minicart link to actually display the cart, this would be the minicart code added to your standard View Cart code:

function EJEJC_config() {



function EJEJC_shown() {

if (items== null) {items = 0};


"<a href='https://www.e-junkie.com/ecom/gb.php?c=cart&cl=XXXXXX&ejc=2' target='ejejc' class='ec_ejc_thkbx' onClick='javascript:return EJEJC_lc(this);'>lorum ipsum "+items+" Items, £"+EJEJC_cartamt().toFixed(2)+" whatever</A>");


The XXXXXX would be your E-junkie client ID, or for FFC you'd use this URL instead:


If anyone's worked out how to get the minicart DIV to display immediately on page load, rather than only appearing after the main cart has been viewed, they haven't shared their solution with us yet. Bear in mind the minicart is NOT an officially-supported feature of E-junkie; it's just a rough hack our developer dashed off for fun as a side project a few years ago and hasn't really touched since, so we're just sharing it "as-is" with no promises whatsoever.