Just curious if the general thankyou page on the e-junkie server is a secure page(https) or a regular page (http). the reason I ask is because of an affiliate script i have on the thank you page and weather or not is needs to be https or http.


  • created

    Nov '08
  • last reply

    Nov '08
  • 1


  • 926


  • 2


  • 1


The thank-you page URL/link uses https:, so ideally any third-party tracking code should use https: as well.

BTW, if you use our built-in Affiliate program features, we can credit Affiliates for referring a sale even if the buyer does not choose to continue past checkout to reach any thank-you page.


We also just launched a new Affiliate feature, where you can set one commission percentage and choose to issue each Affiliate a single Hop Link for all your products at once -- look in Seller Admin > Edit Affiliate Program Settings for those configs. :^)