Hello and thank you for any insight you can give me into this…

I have customized the 'Add to Cart' link on my site to be a small custom button and am very much hoping to maintain the simple layout and visuals by including any necessary options (a text field, or sizes drop-down, etc.) in the javascript popup that appears.

Is there any way this can be done simply or can I create my own text field in the popup that will pass along the same data?

Thank you again for any assistance possible!

  • created

    Mar '11
  • last reply

    Mar '11
  • 1


  • 954


  • 2


  • 1



If you are looking to customize the shopping cart, see our help page here:


The appearance of the cart can be managed with CSS settings, and various customizations can be applied to it by adding extra lines of JavaScript into the code provided with your View Cart button.

This does include the ability to add some HTML to your cart, but note that things such as text fields and drop downs for product options are handled outside of the cart itself along with your original button.