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Feb 2008

We are trying to have two things occur and I am hoping you can help When a person chooses to purchase something from the store we would like

1. for them to check off somewhere that they agree to the terms of the agreement prior to purchasing the product (obviously I don't want them to be able to go on to the download phase until they check off that they do in fact agree to the terms)

2. I would like to add a "button" from "constant contact" that gives them an opportunity to sign up for my newsletter and it gets directly downloaded to constant contact so I don't have to go to each email and upload it manually. Is this something we can do with e-junkie?

  • created

    Feb '08
  • last reply

    Jun '09
  • 4


  • 1.2k


  • 4


  • 2


1 year later

I see that last post was made over a year ago. Is it yet yet? I too would like the original poster is asking in the pop-up window.

If you are asking about the agreement to Terms checkbox, we don't have any standard built-in way to add that; however, we are aware of a merchant who has devised their own way to require that before allowing the buyer to click Add to Cart -- see the products listed here:


You can try to examine their page source to figure out on your own how they did it, or you could try contacting them for any advice they might be willing to share, but we cannot provide any specific advice for that and, indeed, we aren't even quite sure what they did there. :^)

Thanks, I will check that out! I also discovered the trick of adding

function EJEJC_shown() {jQuery("#tdPmnt").attr("innerHTML","Purchasing <b>HTML</b> you want to show");

To the cart button.

If I get that to say something like "by purchasing you agree to our tos..." with a link or whatnot.

