6 / 6
Jun 2014

Ok, here what I did,

Seller admin > Edit Account Preferences

Common Thank-You Email Subject => I wrote only [%item_name%] Purchase into that field

Common Thank-You Email => I wrote the following text into text area

Dear [%first_name%],

You can download [%item_name%] at


Please keep this download link to have access to updated versions. The download link will expire after [%max_downloads%] attempts.


The problem is the email that goes to client. It goes as below

Dear [%first_name%], You can download [%item_name%] at

No name written, no item name is written, no download link or max downloads number.

What am I doing wrong?

  • created

    Aug '09
  • last reply

    Jun '14
  • 5


  • 1.3k


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  • 4


I was unable to reproduce the general problem you reported; I pasted the full set of Order-Specific Thank-you Email template variables into my own Common Thank-you Email field, performed a test checkout and received the email message with with the proper data substituted in place of all variables.

However, I noticed you used some Item-specific template variables above. Bear in mind that the Common Thank-you Email can only use Order-specific template variables; it cannot use any Item Specific variables, because the Common template is not associated with any particular product. Also bear in mind that the Common Thank-you Email is a separate message that would be sent in addition to any product-based Thank-you Emails unless you also specifically disable the latter.

You will probably find this forum discussion helpful:


4 years later

I'm having similar issues except that we used product specific emails and the item specific variables didn't work. I'm sure I didn't do something correctly so I'll keep trying!

However, It really would be nice to be able to just send customers one email so that their inboxes don't get full of messages from sellers. I don't like it when I make a purchase and end up with an order confirmation, receipt, and thank you, all within a few minutes.

If you want to send buyers just one thank-you email regardless of the item(s) ordered, that would be your Common Thank-you Email, which you can edit in Seller Admin > Account Preferences. Bear in mind that this email cannot use any item-specific template variables because it is not associated with any particular product.

Product-specific thank-you emails can use item-specific as well as order-specific template variables, but only if you checkmark Enable Templated Email in the product's settings. If you leave that unchecked, whatever you enter in the Email Message field of that product's settings would be sent to the buyer as-is without variable substitution.

This help page explains more about thank-you emails and how to customize or disable them:


Wow, I was missing such a simple thing! I just failed to check the "enable templated email" I've read the page you linked to several times and just didn't quite understand but after reading through the forums and your answer above I think it all makes sense now.

Now my question is: If a customer orders several items at once and I have enabled templated emails with order and item information, will they get an email for each item or is there some way to consolidate it into one email?

Sorry if I'm missing the obvious! You are always so good to answer questions quickly. I appreciate it!

Yes, if the buyer orders different items that each have their own thank-you emails defined, they would receive each of those as separate messages, in addition to any Common Thank-you Email message you may have set up.

While the latter cannot include item-specific details, the [%thankyou_link%] template variable you can use in that message would normally lead to a consolidated thank-you page we generate for all items in the order, which can be formatted like an invoice with item-specific details as explained here:


In that case, you would need to either delete your Common Thank-you Page URL (in Account Preferences) or embed your E-junkie-generated thank-you page content inside your site's thank-you page using the technique we explain here:
