The customers telephone number does not appear in the transaction log - can this field be added to the log?
Nov '13
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Feb '14
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The customers telephone number does not appear in the transaction log - can this field be added to the log?
Apologies - I see that the phone number is buried in the billing and shipping info
so my next question relates to paypal - as I am using paypal to process my credit card transactions, is this number being passed to paypal? It appears not to be as when I use a API to download paypal data to quickbooks, it is not bringing over the phone number
As an example
Transaction id 0VV058426M9160518 - PayPal Pro (DirectPayment)
I see the phone number in the transaction log for both the billing and shipping address - in paypal I see the billing phone # (should really be the shipping phone #?) - When I run the API - no phone number uploads in to quickbooks
Transaction id 4YK2779580957415P - PayPal Pro (Express Checkout)
I see no phone numbers in the transaction log for both the billing and shipping address - I also do not see a phone number in Paypal - but when I run my API, the phone number gets transferred to Quickbooks
Very strange!!
I'll ask Development to confirm which phone number we can make required for card-based Direct Payments and how we're transmitting that to PayPal.
Note that checkouts going through PayPal's checkout site (i.e., Express Checkout) cannot pick up the Phone Required setting from our end; instead, those checkouts use a setting in your own PayPal account (My Account > Profile > My Selling Tools > Website Preferences > Contact Telephone Number).
Regarding issues your QuickBooks integration API, that would be a matter to troubleshoot with the developer of that integration. You might also consider using ConsoliBYTE to integrate QuickBooks with E-junkie, rather than integrating with PayPal's end:
As for the phone number appearing in QuickBooks when no phone number was provided for the order (as in that last order you mentioned), I can only speculate, but perhaps for the API transmission PayPal was pulling billing info directly from the buyer's PayPal account profile independently of what was actually used during checkout for that order, or maybe QuickBooks itself is copying phone info from previous orders by the same buyer?
When you enable the Phone Required setting at our end, card-based direct payment checkouts will make the Shipping Phone required, but not Billing. This is because some shipping methods may require a phone number for the recipient in case of delivery issues, so we let sellers make that mandatory if needed, but a Billing Phone is never strictly necessary to charge or ship an order, so we don't require that as it would only tend to deter buyers concerned about privacy and telemarketing from placing an order at all.
Just an update on what Development found in researching this matter:
For card-based Direct Payments, we're transmitting the Billing Phone as PHONENUM and Shipping Phone as SHIPTOPHONENUM, which is what they document for those fields. It sounds like PayPal just isn't displaying Shipping Phone numbers at all for Direct Payments (at least not where you were looking), though this doesn't explain why you ended up with no phones in QuickBooks for 0VV058426M9160518 which does show both numbers in our log, so that sounds like a bug in your QB integration service.
We did discover a bug in our integration with Express Checkouts going thru PayPal's checkout site; we weren't correctly capturing the Shipping Phone from them, so that number wasn't making it into our Transaction Logs, which would explain why you wound up with a Shipping Phone in your QuickBooks that wasn't present in your EJ log for 4YK2779580957415P.
Paypal sent me a sample string of what they are receiving from e-junkie - see below
this string does not include PHONENUM or SHIPTOPHONENUM
method "DoDirectPayment"
version "58"
paymentaction "Sale"
ipaddress "XX.XXX.XXX.XXX"
currencycode "USD"
amt "665"
itemamt "665"
shippingamt "0"
taxamt "0"
custom "XXXXX"
buttonsource "E-JUNKIE_ShoppingCart_DP_US"
notifyurl ""
name "BK901 Bunk Bed FREE SHIPPING Twin over Twin Stairway Bunk Bed + 2 Extra Drawers\, Honey"
number "BK901-HONEY-DRAWERS"
qty "1"
desc "BK901 Bunk Bed FREE SHIPPING Twin over Twin Stairway Bunk Bed + 2 Extra Drawers\, Honey"
creditcardtype "MasterCard"
expdate XXXXXX
firstname "XXXX"
city "XXXXX"
state "XX"
zip "XXXXX"
countrycode "XX"
shiptoname "XXXX"
shiptocity "XX"
shiptostate "XX"
shiptozip "XXXXX"
shiptocountry "XX"
Hi Denis,
Whatever stage they're getting that data from, it's after the stage where they're losing the values we're sending them. I'm the one that initially confirmed our code does in fact send the values, and I just turned on debug capture for our submissions for your account, and they are there. I'll send you an email through our helpdesk here shortly with a couple of the example captures showing that; maybe we can get in on your discussion with PayPal MTS and help them figure this out?
This is the latest from paypal
can you change the request that is made to paypal and have them remove the PHONENUM parameter?
Can you try replacing the "PHONENUM" variable with "SHIPTOPHONENUM". I believe this is the reason it's not returned as it's not a valid parameter for the "DoDirectPayment".
You can find a list of parameters here:
To continue
We have the phone number as mandatory in our settings
But the billing phone number is not mandatory (no red asterisk)
But if a customer leaves the billing phone number blank and then enters a shipping phone number - they get the message " Please enter a valid telephone number"
Very confusing for the customer - we only ask them for the shipping phone number, but then when they only provide a shipping phone number, they cannot proceed with the checkout.
Suggest you give us the option to make the billing phone number mandatory (red asterisk) - or change your code so if the billing number is blank and a shipping phone number is entered, the charge will process
Also, any news on :
can you change the request that is made to paypal and have them remove the PHONENUM parameter?
Can you try replacing the "PHONENUM" variable with "SHIPTOPHONENUM". I believe this is the reason it's not returned as it's not a valid parameter for the "DoDirectPayment".
You can find a list of parameters here: merchant/DoDirectPaymentAPI_Operation_NVP/
POSTED ON: January 14, 2014 @ 06:32 GMT -7