I have a buyer that ordered two items--one a shipped product and one a digital product. Her order triggered the "fraud alert". The payment cleared in PayPal, but it doesn't include the shipping amount. It wasn't a pending payment as far as I can tell and the only recent changes to these products is I updated the inventory amount for one.
I let her know the payment didn't process correctly (didn't mention the fraud part) and refunded her payment in PayPal. I let her know she could try ordering again if she'd still like the items and she did, but the same exact thing happened with her second order.
Is it possible there is something wrong with the set up of my items? Maybe it's set up this way, but the part about the shipping amount not coming through to PayPal makes me wonder if this is technical glitch and not a fraud problem.
I don't want to send her order with free shipping and then ultimately get a chargeback in PayPal and be out the product, the $, and the $35 or whatever PayPal charges for a chargeback these days. At the same time I'd like to send her order if she's a legit customer.