I had someone build a script which I thought I would share. His name is Matt Mower (http://mattmower.com/) and if you need similar work done, give him a shout, but please DO NOT trouble him with tech support questions for this script. He is super quick and pleasant to work with. I assume no responsibility for this script and by downloading it you acknowledge that.
The script finds customers in an ejunkie.csv file(s) and organizes them based on which products they own (based on the emails used to purchase). For example, need to know who owns at least 3 products? Need to know exactly who owns a specific combination of products? This script does it and generates a csv file with the required info.
Put the ejunkie csv file(s) to search in the folder called 'Data'. They need to be .csv (not .txt files) and make sure you haven't altered the number of columns.
Before you can run it you need to do the following steps (this is the best I can remember, I may be missing a step):
*Remove "" when typing into terminal.
1) Open terminal
2) Type "gem install trollop" (you may need to do "sudo gemo install trollop" if you get permissions errors)
3) Type "gem install fastercsv" (you may need to do "sudo gem install fastercsv" if you get permissions errors)
You shouldn't need to do these again.
5) Type "chmod +x process.rb"
5) Type "./find_customers.rb" (and see below for details)
Now we get to running find_customers.rb.
This script has 3 options with defaults. You can always type
./find_customers.rb --help
if you want to see them explained.
-e : switches from the default "at least" to "exactly" mode
-n <number> : specifies the number of products required in either mode, e.g. -n 4
-f <filename> : uses the given filename as the output file instead of "qualifying_customers.csv"
If you don't specify -n it will default to the number of products listed in the "products.yml" file.
./find_customers.rb -e -n 2 -f two_products.csv
Will generate a file "two_products.csv" containing all your customers who have exactly 2 of the qualifying products.
./find_customers.rb -n 4 -f at_least_four.csv
Will generate a file "at_least_four.csv" containing all of your customers who have at least 4 of the qualifying products. And:
Will generate a file "qualifying_customers.csv" that contains all customers who have all of your products
and so on.
To add products you don't edit the script but the "products.yml" file (using text application). To add a new product just copy the last line and change the name to your new product name as per the current entries.