I've been using e-junkie for over a year now, and I still find that some of my customers find that the concept that they need to input their ZIP code into the ZIP/Postal field in the cart is confusing.

I was testing the cart this evening on a new webpage, and it hit me: If the words "Calculate Shipping (required)" were added in bold above the country and ZIP fields, the purpose and necessity for entering the ZIP code would be clear to customers.

How about it? Can we get three words added to the static text of the shopping cart, so we can stop confusing customers?

Just to make it explicit, this is what I'm asking for:


It would sure be great! Thanks!

  • created

    Aug '10
  • last reply

    Aug '10
  • 1


  • 846


  • 2


  • 2


Good idea, thanks for the suggestion; I've brought this to our Lead Developer's attention, so we'll add it to the wishlist. :^) Unfortunately, we don't have a way to add that exact modification yourself, and because ours is a centrally-managed solution shared in common among all sellers using our system, there is no way we or you could add that just for your cart, so it would have to wait until we could work it into to the master cart script that everyone uses.

That said, you can customize some existing text in the cart, if you wish. I'd recommend adding the following lines to your View Cart code on every page, just before the "// -->" line in the standard code you obtained from Seller Admin:

function EJEJC_config() {



function EJEJC_shown() {


"Required to calculate shipping<br>Update Cart after entering");
