1 / 7
Jul 2010

As of June 30th, we're now receiving continuous Google Checkout errors on a few orders. What I see in the Google Checkout console are a pair of entries for each failure:


1: " You cannot charge an order that is already completely charged"

2: "We encountered an error trying to access your server at https://www.e-junkie.com/gc/505281936802678/ResponseHandler.php -- the error we got is Send failed with code: 500. Response body was:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<order-state-change-notification xmlns="http://checkout.google.com/schema/2" serial-number="nnn">









We have not changed anything on our site, our shopping cart, or e-Junkie ... any idea what's causing these problems, and what we can do to alleviate them?


  • created

    Jul '10
  • last reply

    Jul '10
  • 6


  • 1.1k


  • 2


  • 2


No, it doesn't seem that they're in our log. (Serial numbers are not being sent out, either.)

OK, I've switched it over ... why would this have just started failing on the 30th, when we've had it set that way (and functioning) for over three months?

Thanks for the help!


Sorry, the glitch in your URL might be unrelated.

You are getting error #1, as you have set to charge your google orders automatically in your Google Checkout panel. That does not impact anything.

Error #2 is on Google's end. We only send them a 500 server status when they don't send us any data at all.

I emailed Google Checkout with a help request, stating that the 500 error is only returned when you don't receive any data. Here was there reply:


The HTTP 500 error you are receiving indicates an error in your server.

Server errors can have a number of causes; for example, you may have

problems with your server configuration or with the code that's running at

the callback URL.

Please work with your technical resources to determine the exact nature of

this error. Since we cannot determine the precise cause of this HTTP 500

error, we cannot give you valuable help until you examine your system more



I wrote back explaining that I've already worked with our technical resources, and asking what do to next.

FYI, I haven't seen any more of these issues since mid day yesterday (I've seen a few more error #1s, but no more #2s).
