Hello everyone,

thanks again for solving my previous question. Here is another question, unfortunately (and I haven't even started my subscription :wink: But will today). Nothing serious, just something that has irritated me a bit. It's regarding the design of the "payment pending" page. (1https://www.e-junkie.com/ecom/rp.php1)

That seems to be an e.junkie default page a buyer is transferred to, if his payment cannot be processed right now. (that happened yesterday as I made a test purchase with a friend's paypal account that doesn't have a credit card assigned to it). I don't know if it was the credit card, or some sort of currency conversion issue, but in any case he couldn't make a download of the product and got transferred to this screen instead.

I was wondering if it was possible to add seller generated text above the message? The simple sentence is a bit unfriendly: "Your payment is currently pending. Your order will be processed after the payment is complete." The rest of the page is empty, which looks unfinished. If I was a buyer and would get to a page like this, I would be disappointed by the store for creating a "non-designed" page (not meaning "not decorated or styled" but "not being a carefully crafted element in the design of the buying process"). It would help if I as a seller could add a sentence above like "Thanks for your purchase. Unfortunately cartafina cannot process your order at this point. Please see the following message for further information". Then the system generated message could follow. Maybe with a delicate little border, so we don't need those page shaddow things on the sides.

When going to that URL now (1https://www.e-junkie.com/ecom/rp.php1), I see other sentences that probably can potentially appear at some point in the transaction and will be displayed on that page. ("The payment processor has not yet informed us about your payment. Your order will be processed as soon as they inform us about the payment. If required, any information related to this order will be emailed to you. If you do not see the email in your inbox, please check your spam filter or bulk email folder. Please contact the seller for any questions.")

These sentences are nice and friendly, but it would be better if "the seller" could be automatically exchanged with the name of the store. Otherwise it reveals that there are several parties involved in the process. The buyer has so far not been in contact with e-junkie and suddenly lands on a page that talks about "the seller" from an e-junkie perspective, although the page appears to be somehow a part of the sellers website, since within the buying routine, it has the seller's logo on top (and only a small e-junkie link on the side). That is kind of confusing for the buyer. Ideally there was no e-junkie link on that page and the text would be written from the sellers perspective. I do understand e-junkie wants to advertise for the services, and I'm grateful that the guys have thought about preparing all those error pages and I'm being very picky here, I know.

In summary, it would be great if a seller could

-add a general, personalised piece of text to any "warning/error/default message" page that e-junkie has prepared for those cases when a purchase doesn't go through right away. (And, ideally, in the styling: remove the e-junkie page shadow design elements left and right. I understand why you have them there, but they don't really work.)

-In the text: Exchange "the seller" with "we". (and ideally put the e-junkie link at the bottom or somewhere underneath that message, not at the top. (Ideally it was the third read, not the second)

Sorry for the long post.

Thanks for your input on this!
