Hi there
I'm a long-time affiliate of a product sold through e-junkie by the product owner. I get consistent sales daily and this is growing in line with my expanding efforts. However, last week I tested two transactions by purchasing twice using my e-junkie link (I've done this before in the past) and the standard e-junkie sale notification emails weren't sent to me, although I did receive the digital products purchased. I mailed your support team and they suggested I speak to the product owner, which I did and he assured me he hadn't changed anything related to e-junkie or the affiliate setup in the last three years. I put it down to a glitch on the day and who knows if those transactions ever came through, they could've been delayed for ages for all I know. That said, I tried again today with four purchases this time, all for $10, and not one of them has shown up on my e-junkie affiliate sales report, or via a sales notification email. Strangely though, I still see other affiliate sales coming through, for different amounts.
Have things changed drastically in the time it takes for a sales notification email to be sent from the time of purchase? When I tested this in the past, it was always instant.
If not, something else is drastically wrong and we need to resolve it as it could be costing me a great deal in lost sales every day/week/month. I spoke to the product owner again today, who again assured me nothing has changed on his side. I'd be happy for you to test a purchase through my e-junkie affiliate link and you'll see exactly what I mean.
PLEASE help.