4 / 4
Nov 2010


I'd like to let E-Junkie call the 2checkout-URL for single purchase and want to know how to setup.

The Difference is:

Multi-page Payment Routine:


Supports all payment methods. Supports tangible and intangible products/services.

Single Page Payment Routine:


Credit card-only payment routine only available for intangible products/services.

Thanks in advance!

  • created

    Nov '10
  • last reply

    Nov '10
  • 3


  • 1.2k


  • 2


  • 3


Sorry, but since ours is a centrally-managed system shared in common among all merchants using our system, it's not possible for us to modify how the system works for one seller without applying that very same modification for every other seller. We can consider adding a setting in Seller Admin for what you want at some point in the future, so we'll add that to the wishlist, but it probably couldn't happen anytime soon.