I run a few different websites and sell products from each of them using e-junkie/PayPal. For each site, I have a separate e-junkie account that uses a separate PayPal email address to accept the payment.
BUT, I have one PayPal business account that all of these payments go into.
The thing is, I want to show each site's individual logo at the top of the PayPal payment page when a customer is buying a product that's sold on that site. However, as far as I can tell, if I put the logo for Site A on my payment page (using PayPal's custom settings), customers coming from Site B would then end up seeing a logo for a website they were never at.
I obviously want people buying from SiteA to see SiteA's logo, and SiteB people to see SiteB's logo. I don't know if this is a PayPal issue, an e-junkie issue, or a little of both.
But, would anyone happen to know if this is actually possible? And if so, how?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.