I found the answer myself: You must include the view cart button to get the javascript. I've done that, and it seems to work. That would be a good thing to add to the button code screens!
I'm leaving the question so that perhaps someone else can find the answer more quickly.
I'm new here, so please excuse the probably basic question:
I'm calling E-Junkie from my WordPress site. To the best of my knowledge Javascript is enabled both on the site, and from my browser. When I paste in the Add To Cart code, everything works, but it brings up a new page instead of a pop-over window (I believe called an I-frame). Is there some trick I need to cause the pop-over to work?
My payment service is PayPal Advanced, and I note in the discussion about it that there may be some problem with the cookies needed for the pop-over and PP Advanced, but I can't even get to the point of testing that.
My (still under-development) site is http://goodshot@wpengine.com
Thanks for any help!
GoodShot! Golf