1 / 9
Apr 2011

In the cart after selecting pay with credit card - the shipping state and zip in the shipping address is hard coded and cannot be changed if a customer selects to ship to an address that is not the billing address

  • created

    Apr '11
  • last reply

    Jun '11
  • 8


  • 1.4k


  • 4


  • 1



This is a necessary security measure. The shipping costs applied to each order are based on the zip code that is entered in the cart before reaching the checkout page. Therefore we do not allow the buyer to change that shipping information at checkout whenever we are able to control that. That is why the credit card checkout page locks in the information the buyer enters in the cart.

With PayPal checkout the buyer can select a different shipping address separate from what was entered in the cart. When this happens we will issue you a warning about a potential problem with the shipping costs.


i do not charge shipping (ie free shipping)

and without the option to put in a shipping address that includes the state and zip code it makes that element redundant as well as highly frustrating for the customer - it results in the buyer not completing the checkout - BAD or calling us to place an order over the phone - NOT GOOD

can you put in a fix so that if the shipping cost is zero, the cart will allow the input of a shipping address that includes the state and zip



Thanks for the suggestions; we can add your request to the wishlist for consideration as a possible new feature.

1 month later

Can you please pass the following comment on to Robin

A shopping cart that will not allow a separate shipping and billing address is flawed.

Every day we get at least one or two customers that want to use this feature - can the zip and state in the billing not be "hard coded" - we can deal with issues of sales tax evasion - you can use the same warning feature as you do on paypal direct processed payments



Hi Denis,

If you find that your buyers are entering their billing zip code in the cart rather than their shipping zip code then it is possible to edit the zip code prompt to make it more clear that the zip code added in the cart is the -shipping- zip code and not the -billing- zip code. We don't lock in billing addresses, only the shipping address. If a buyer enters their shipping zip code in the cart they are not going to have an issue at checkout.

To customize the shopping cart you must be using one of our regular, javascript enabled View Cart buttons. Add the following code to your cart button, just before the // --> line in the standard code you obtained from Seller Admin:

function EJEJC_config() {



function EJEJC_shown() {

jQuery("#state1").attr("innerHTML", "Shipping Zip Code");


This will change the cart's default text of "ZIP/Postal Code" to "Shipping Zip Code"

Further information about cart customization can be found here;



Looks like this will work


One more question - How do I get rid of the check box for

Sign-up for product updates and newsletter.

in the pay with credit card screen?


That checkbox is also a requirement. Anyone who checks it will be added to your internal E-junkie mailing list. That is only used if you wish to send out a newsletter, they will never be contacted by us or anyone else, so if you are not sending out any communications you don't need to worry about it.

However, for security and compatibility reasons we cannot remove the opt-in box from that page.