Please ignore - I have found that it remembers your settings. I will clear cookies and try again!

I have set up the eJunkie cart in a sandbox site, with payment through Paypal standard.

I have set various shipping costs

Rule#66018 for Great Britain £1.40 FLAT (1st class)

Rule#65930 for France £2.20 FLAT Airmail


However, when adding to cart, and viewing cart, I only have the UK shipping option shown. I am in the UK - is that why, or should all options show?

I am not sure if the cart has a problem, or whether it is working as it should in only showing me shipping for UK. I am concerned because I thought on a previous occasion when I was working on the cart it showed all options in a drop down list (though I may be mistaken).

Could it be the result of having placed a trial order from this computer, so now it is defaulting to UK only? If so, is there a way to reset it to show all options for further testing?