I am using the zip code of 44024. It is an Ohio zip code. The shipping charge on the Onyx 90 is $85.25 alone. If I add the Glass Turret, the shipping cost goes to $86.06. The Glass Turret should cost in the range of $8, not $0.81.
If I remove the Onyx 90 and leave the Glass Turret, I get a shipping cost of $8.09...which is fine.
Thanks for looking into this for me.
I just tested my shipping calculator again. It is still wrong.
I am using zipcode 24517.
If I add any two accessories, the shipping is correct.
If I then add the Onyx 90 to this order, THE SHIPPING CHARGE INCREASES BY only $0.98. If I purchase the Onyx 90 alone, I get $81.54 as the shipping charge, which is correct. When I add the two accessory items, it only ads $0.98 to the cost of shipping.
It looks as though the calculator thinks I can put those two accessories into the big, heavy, Onyx 90 box. I cannot do that. They must go in a separate box.
I fixed the problem. I changed from shipping UPS ground to shipping at $0.08 per ounce.
I used the formula
((cost per oz.) X (total product wt. + container wt.)) + (container cost) + (handling cost)in an Excel spreadsheet.
Now, it appears to work. My advice is to not use anything but cost per ounce if you have a situation like mine.
It is unfortunate that I cannot find anywhere in the forum or in the faqs that explains what the following mean:
Min weight
Min Item total
Max Weight
Max Item total
What effect does changing these numbers have? Is there a place where I can read about it?
@CutterMan: We have been unable to reproduce the strange miscalculations you reported above; have you changed any of your shipping settings since your last post here?
You currently have these 4 shipping rules defined:
- USPS Cheapest Available - no conditions (this is the default rule all accounts start with; you can safely delete this one);
- UPS Ground - State:AK, Min Order:5, Weight:1000oz or more, OrderTotal:3000.00 (this rule would only apply for orders which meet all those conditions);
- UPS Ground - State:AK, Min Order:5, Weight:1000oz or more, OrderTotal:3000.00 (this rule would only apply for orders which meet all those conditions);
- Price per unit weight - 0.08 Per Ounce - Country:US (this rule will apply to all orders shipped within the US, including orders to AK/HI which do not meet the minimum weight/total conditions defined above).
@CutterMan: We have been unable to reproduce the strange miscalculations you reported above; have you changed any of your shipping settings since your last post here?
You currently have these 4 shipping rules defined:
- USPS Cheapest Available - no conditions (this is the default rule all accounts start with; you can safely delete this one);
- UPS Ground - State:AK, Min Order:5, Weight:1000oz or more, OrderTotal:3000.00 (this rule would only apply for orders which meet all those conditions);
- UPS Ground - State:AK, Min Order:5, Weight:1000oz or more, OrderTotal:3000.00 (this rule would only apply for orders which meet all those conditions);
- Price per unit weight - 0.08 Per Ounce - Country:US (this rule will apply to all orders shipped within the US, including orders to AK/HI which do not meet the minimum weight/total conditions defined above).
EDIT: Ah, apparently you were changing settings while we were trying to test and troubleshoot. Glad you got things set up to your satisfaction, but too bad we can't figure out what was going wrong now that we don't have a test case anymore.
Hi Folks,
I am offering tangible products where the price quoted on my website includes free shipping worldwide. Therefore, I don't want my buyers to see "Ship to Country" and "ZIP/Postal Code" on their checkout page because it is not relevant. However, I do need their shipping address.
When I uncheck "Shipping/Buyers Address" in "Edit Product" I don't see the shipping fields at checkout and I don't see the buyer's shipping address either.
Is there anyway I can set up my Product to ignore shipping BUT get the buyer's address?
Thanks for your help.
You must enable the Shipping/Buyer's Address setting for each product that you want to trigger collection of the buyer's address during checkout. This will also display the "Ship to Country" and "ZIP/Postal Code" fields in the cart, which the buyer must satisfy to proceed with checkout. Although you are not adding any shipping charges, you still need to know where each order should be shipped to, so the buyer's Country and ZIP/Postal Code are still relevant because of that.
Hi Tyson,
Thanks for responding.
I do not want my buyers to see "Ship to Country" and "ZIP /Postal Code" before they go to checkout, i.e. I don't want these fields to be shown when the buyer "Views Cart." These details are captured anyway during the checkout process and that is perfect for me.
So from reading your post I gather that I must live with those fields appearing in "View Cart". That's a shame because it takes from my buyers' experience.
I'd like to see a split between shipping and buyer's address in "Edit Product." If users want to charge shipping then let them check "Shipping" which would automatically include "Buyers Address". If (like me) users only want buyer's address them let them check "Buyers Address" on its own.
I am new to E-junkie so I am only finding my feet. It is a great product and so far that is the only feature that does not suit my requirements.
Hi Tyson,
Here is the crux of my problem: I have no shipping charges but my buyers must click "Update Cart" in order for"Shipping: 0.00" to be displayed in the cart. My buyers can not click "Checkout" until "Shipping: 0.00" has been displayed. Why should this be the case? Why isn't "Shipping: 0.00" displayed automatically when I have no shipping charges set up in my E-Junkie account?
Please help...
Hi E-junkieNinja,
Thanks for responding. I have been working on the permutations and combinations of this for a few hours and if you are speaking to your development department then this is the rule I'd like it to consider:
If "Shipping/Buyers Address" is checked and if the E-junkie user does not have any shipping charges assigned then :
initialise shipping-variable to zero and do not display "Ship to" and "ZIP/Postal Codes" in "View Cart" (as is currently the case for digital goods)
This rule replaces the meanderings in my previous two posts. I'd love this to be implemented so much that I am willing to pay for it to be done! I'm available on the phone if someone in development wants to discuss this.
I heard from development and I'm sorry to say that this is not going to be something we are going to be able to setup. Since the different payment processors we integrate with have different requirements we need to have both the zip/postal code and country fields, and we would not be able to change that requirement for shipped products.
Hi E-junkieNinja,
OK. I must live with that. So now I revert back to my first post this morning!
Most of my buyers are from Ireland. There are no post codes in Ireland and when my buyers "View Cart" they see their default "Ship to" as "Ireland" and their default "ZIP/Postal Code" as "none". This is OK.
My buyers do not have to change anything because the default values are what my buyers need so they click "Checkout" but E-junkie asks them to select a country and enter a ZIP/postal code! I think this is incorrect. I think E-junkie should accept the default values, calculate shipping and take the buyer to checkout.
Please have a look at my test page http://thespeks.com/test/the-speks-shop.html so you can see what I'm talking about.
Hi Folks,
It's me again! I have successfully integrated e-junkie shopping cart into my live page and I am very happy with it thanks. However, I have 2 small problems that I'd like you to investigate, please.
My live URL is http://www.thespeks.com/the-speks-shop.html
1. Shopping cart refresh problems when the browser's back arrow is clicked (Safari only...my version is 4.0.3...problem does not exist for Firefox or IE)
To recreate this problem:
- Buy CD (orange Buy Now button)
- Select Remove, Click Update Cart, shopping cart is now empty so click Continue Shopping
- Click Video Clips (or any other non-e-junkie link)
- Click browser's back arrow
- Buy MP3 (green Buy Now button)
- Select Remove, Click Update Cart
When the Cart refreshes, the MP3 item is still in the cart with the Remove box checked. This is incorrect. The MP3 item should have been removed and the cart should be empty.
2. Can't get "Quince" discount code to work for all items in cart. (I have created discount codes for individual items and they are working well.) "Quince" has been set up to give a 20% discount on the Cart's Total. The Cart accepts this discount code, i.e. it does not display "Invalid Discount Code" message, but nothing affects the overall total. Am I missing something in my setup options?
Thanks in advance,
Quince Spek
Quince, I am sorry for dropping the ball on this one. The discount code was not working as the expiration was set to 0000-00-00 00:00:00 whereas our code only expected a date of future. We've updated the discount logic to treat 0000-00-00 00:00:00 as "no date limit".
As for the Safari issue, it seems like Safari has a weird bug where it tends to regenerate the last form in case you navigate away from the page and then back to it (nice catch btw!). We are working on a fix.