44 / 82
Sep 2009

Hello E-junkieNinja,

So, my other question was about how to see which discounts apply to which products. My wording was unclear (apologies). What I am asking is how I can see which discounts are applicable (or available) at an item level?

I wanted to see (where you may have several discounts available at once for one particular item) what discounts were available against a particular product. I think this is no longer available - I can't think of a way to do this any more?

It does seem that we have lost some functionality by removing the ability to apply discounts on the item screen.

Thanks for your help so far.


There is not a way to view only discounts that apply to specific products. I will pass this on to our development team about adding in a way to do this.

LogonwheelerJust a quick question:

How will we know what method the customer chooses to ship with? Will there be a variable passed? Where will this variable be passed to say PayPal or Google Checkout?


Logan Wealing


Shipping method is included in the Shipping Information section of the notification e-mail.

Re: Lost functionality (being able to see the different discounts applicable against an individual item).

Look fwd to hearing how things go! It used to be available on the item screen.



LogonwheelerJust a quick question:

How will we know what method the customer chooses to ship with? Will there be a variable passed? Where will this variable be passed to say PayPal or Google Checkout?


Logan Wealing


Shipping method is included in the Shipping Information section of the notification e-mail.

I just check the e-junkie logs and there was no mention of the shipment method picked by the buyer....

Is the only place that this information is available is from the e-junkie sales notifications?

Thanks for any more info you can provide.

Logan Wealing

  • e-junkie forum comment 2009-09-12

    Hi everyone. I'm relatively new to e-junkie, and I'm trying to set up a discount on a product for which I've added a "Buy Now" button to my site. The discount is six dollars. After reading a lot of separate and incomplete help documents and forum entries, I thought I've figured it out. Unfortunately, I've found a behavior that's confounding me. Here's what I've done:

  • Go to: seller admin > Add / Edit E-Junkie Cart Discounts / Gift Coupons
  • Select product ("Where the !@#% did my day go? The ultimate guide to making every day a great workday")
  • Type discount name ("Client Discount: Where Did")
  • Enter discount code ("ClientDiscountWD20,6.00")
  • Leave all other fields the defalt
  • Submit

    The first time I did this, I was able to enter the amount with the two decimal places. However, when I loaded the new discount the number "600" showed up. Six hundred dollars off a $27 product!? I deleted the discount and tried to recreate it. Now it does not let me enter a decimal point. I thought maybe I should be entering pennies, but the (incomplete) docs on http://www.e-junkie.com/ej/help.discounts.htm say:

    # Enter discount codes and amounts in the Item Discount Codes field, using matched pairs like this:




    Please help!



    Matthew Cornell | matt@matthewcornell.org | 413-626-3621 | 34 Dickinson Street, Amherst MA 01002 | matthewcornell.org


Here are steps to create your discount:

1) Use the Product drop down to select your product instead of entire cart

2) name your discount

3) place the discount code that your buyers will have to enter in

4) Make sure that expiration date, Max use count, Min Item Quantity and Min Item Total are all zero

5) in the Discount field place 6.00

After that click on the Submit button.

here are the steps to get eh button code you need:

1) On the Get Button Codes screen, click the tab for Buy Now buttons

2) Check the box provided to Modify the buttons to let buyers enter discount codes

3) Copy the button codes provided

4) Paste the codes into your page where you want the button to appear with a text box for discount codes

Thank you. Unfortunately, this does not work. I am able to get the discount working using the e-junkie cart, but not with Buy Now code that's generated. I've verified that my discount set-up is correctly ($6 off the $27 price), which I've proven by using the e-junkie cart. Here's the link: https://www.e-junkie.com/ecom/gb.php?c=cart&i=324637&cl=66684&ejc=2&discountcode=TestCode

[Note: Getting the discount set up was a major frustration. Instructions and documentation are incomplete. The trick was to: 1) Enter just the discount code into the "Discount code(s)" field without ",amount". If I tried to enter the amount, it would not let me type the decimal point; and 2) Enter the discount into the below "Discount" field.]

Here are the steps I followed to try your Buy Now instructions, which did not work:

1. go to: "seller admin > Get BUY NOW/CART buttons for your products"

2. SELECT PRODUCT: "Where the !@#% did my day go? The ultimate guide to making every day a great workday"


4. select tab: BUY NOW BUTTONS

5. check: Modify the buttons to let buyers enter...

6. copy the HTML, which is:

<form method="POST" action="https://www.e-junkie.com/ecom/gb.php?i=324637&c=single&cl=66684" accept-charset="UTF-8" target="ejejcsingle"><input type="hidden" name="on0" value="Promotion"/>Discount Code:<br/><input type="text" name="os0"/><br/><input type="image" src="http://www.e-junkie.com/ej/x-click-butcc.gif" border="0" alt="Buy Now"/></form>

7. save the HTML to a test file, load it, enter "TestCode" into the input field, and click the "BUY NOW" button

PROBLEM: does not apply the discount (shows $27 instead of $21)




As you may have surmised, our help page documentation for Discounts (and many forum replies earlier than a couple weeks ago) is out of date since we launched the new Discount features announced at the start of this forum thread.

Your Discounts appear to be configured with an expiration date, which will not work with Buy Now buttons. This FAQ page explains which Discount Code settings will and won't work with Buy Now buttons:


Do not use the old "discountcode,X.XX" Item Discount format, as that has now become obsolete. Just enter your desired code(s) in the Discount Code box provided (one code per line), and then in the Discount field below that, enter the amount to discount off the per-unit price of the product.

Hi Tyson,

Thanks for the information.


o The default for new discounts is to have an expiration date, which means Buy Now failures are built in. Is there a reason for this? Other fields are zero, and are defaults which makes sense.

o What value should I enter for the "Discount code expires on" field to indicate no expiration? Leave it blank? Enter zeros?

o Given the "discountcode,X.XX" has become "discountcode" (i.e., no amount), I'm curious: why would you need to enter more than one Discount code if they're all the same amount (that which is listed below).



Development has said they would change the default expiration to 0000-00-00 00:00:00, which solves the problem you mention where product-specific discounts with default settings won't work with Buy Now buttons. I had thought that change was already made, but apparently not yet, so they may just be including it in the next batch of minor updates/bugfixes that get rolled out.

You can just delete the expiration date entirely to create a discount with no expiration; when you select and load a discount created with a blank expiration field, you will find the field has been filled with an expiration of 0000-00-00 00:00:00 (meaning "no expiration").

Providing a list of codes for the same discount may be desirable if, say, a merchant wants to provide the same discount as a promotional offer to a variety of different marketing partners/outlets who would each get their own code to promote, so the merchant can tell by watching redeemed codes which marketing direction brought the most business. A merchant may also want to create a series of single-use coupons or gift certificates, but this sort of discount (using Max Use Count=1) would only work with Cart buttons rather than Buy Now buttons.

Essentially, Buy Now buttons can only use Discount Codes that are configured to work exactly the same way as Item Discounts originally worked -- a code the buyer can enter to take a flat amount off the per-unit price of a specific product without any other conditions or limitations.

Cart buttons can of course use the full range of discount configuration options, just as before; we've just added some new settings. We always recommend using E-junkie Cart buttons as the preferred "standard implementation", which provides full support for all of our features and settings. Buy Now buttons have more limited functionality and should really only be used in special cases with specific needs (e.g., if you need to prevent buyers from ordering more than one item at a time).

That all makes sense, Tyson. I used Buy Now instead of the cart because I thought it was simpler for my readers.

9 days later

Perhaps someone can help me with this problem. I have spent about six hours messing with it.

I only ship via UPS. I never use USPS.

I have one item that weighs 70 pounds and it is never shipped with anything in the box except that one item.

I have another item that weighs about 40 pounds and it is never shipped with anything in that box except that one item.

I have seven accessory items that weigh from two ounces to ten ounces. I can ship up to 30 items in a small box.

Now here is the problem. If I ship the 70 pound item to Ohio, it costs 85.25. That is correct. However, if I add one of the small accessory items, that go in a separate small box, the cost GOES DOWN TO $83.52. If I ship one small accessory item, it SHOULD cost 8.00.

What is happening, PLEASE?

The price should not drop if you add a second box and more weight. Can you send us the URL of your site so we can check it out?

E-junkieNinjaThe price should not drop if you add a second box and more weight. Can you send us the URL of your site so we can check it out?

It is www.GlassCutterMachine.com. Thanks for your fast follow up.

I just tested out your site and I added in the Onyx 90 and got a shipping for my location in Tucson as $99.29, then when I added in the glass turret and shipping went to $119. What two products are you using and what is the zip code you are using?

I am using the zip code of 44024. It is an Ohio zip code. The shipping charge on the Onyx 90 is $85.25 alone. If I add the Glass Turret, the shipping cost goes to $86.06. The Glass Turret should cost in the range of $8, not $0.81.

If I remove the Onyx 90 and leave the Glass Turret, I get a shipping cost of $8.09...which is fine.

Thanks for looking into this for me.

I just tested my shipping calculator again. It is still wrong.

I am using zipcode 24517.

If I add any two accessories, the shipping is correct.

If I then add the Onyx 90 to this order, THE SHIPPING CHARGE INCREASES BY only $0.98. If I purchase the Onyx 90 alone, I get $81.54 as the shipping charge, which is correct. When I add the two accessory items, it only ads $0.98 to the cost of shipping.

It looks as though the calculator thinks I can put those two accessories into the big, heavy, Onyx 90 box. I cannot do that. They must go in a separate box.


I fixed the problem. I changed from shipping UPS ground to shipping at $0.08 per ounce.

I used the formula

((cost per oz.) X (total product wt. + container wt.)) + (container cost) + (handling cost)in an Excel spreadsheet.

Now, it appears to work. My advice is to not use anything but cost per ounce if you have a situation like mine.

It is unfortunate that I cannot find anywhere in the forum or in the faqs that explains what the following mean:


Min weight

Min Item total


Max Weight

Max Item total

What effect does changing these numbers have? Is there a place where I can read about it?

@CutterMan: We have been unable to reproduce the strange miscalculations you reported above; have you changed any of your shipping settings since your last post here?

You currently have these 4 shipping rules defined:

- USPS Cheapest Available - no conditions (this is the default rule all accounts start with; you can safely delete this one);

- UPS Ground - State:AK, Min Order:5, Weight:1000oz or more, OrderTotal:3000.00 (this rule would only apply for orders which meet all those conditions);

- UPS Ground - State:AK, Min Order:5, Weight:1000oz or more, OrderTotal:3000.00 (this rule would only apply for orders which meet all those conditions);

- Price per unit weight - 0.08 Per Ounce - Country:US (this rule will apply to all orders shipped within the US, including orders to AK/HI which do not meet the minimum weight/total conditions defined above).