Hello, I am trying to sell website traffic bit the url keeps getting cut offwith a long url.For example., If someone orders traffic toezinearticles.com/?Think-Your-Borfriend-is-Talking-to-His-Ex-on-his-cell-Phone?-Find-Out-With-a-Reverse-Phone-Search&ID=329875It only shows it asezinearticles.com/?Think-Your-Borfriend-is-Talking-to-His-I read on the help to add this to my buy it now button.&on1=More+Options&os1=another_string_with_more_valuesBut do I have to add the number of character that is allowed? All these willdiffer from client to client so I am not sure what I need to add. I havethis right now for a button.https://www.e-junkie.com/ecom/fgb.php?c=cart&cl=1&ejc=2&on0=Options&os0=stringwith_all_valuesAny help would be appreciated.
The number of characters you can pass is limited, so you won't be able to pass the full URL. The best way is to assign an ID to each url and just pass the ID>
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