21 / 21
Aug 2012

I believe I already responded to you via e-mail, but I will place my response here as well. As I stated in my e-mail check to see if the file is getting stamped. It is possible there is a problem with the way the PDF stamping was setup and that is why you are getting mailed an error message.

If you click on the link that is in the e-mail that is sent to buyers then you will get a copy of the file with a stamp if there is not an error in the setup.

I downloaded two copies of the ebook using the two customers emails that were sent to me. One sale was a pure ebook sale and the other was a DVD sale and then I sent him a free link as I am having trouble packaging the two products so that the ebook gets stamped.

Both of the downloads were not stamped. And I got couldn't notify server messages on both the sales.

I don't think it could be a stamp issue if I send the person a free link, because those don't get stamped anyway.

I have not had any customer complain yet about not getting the book so that is good.


It sounds like you may not have the PDF Stamping URL set up correctly. Either that, or the file you're attempting to stamp is far to big; we've had reports of problems stamping files as large as 40MB, but files up to 20MB or so seem to work okay.

If your file is smaller than that, please go to your Seller Admin > View/Edit Products, select the eBook product and click Edit, then click Next until you reach the screen with the Payment Variable Information URL. Copy that URL and paste it either here or in an email to support:


Also bear in mind that stamping will only work when the PDF is its own product, not when it's bundled with other files or products using "Package files from other products". See this forum discussion for a method to create an Add to Cart button that would add two or more products to the cart at once:


Here is the payment variable info. http://http://www.e-junkie.com/ecom/oplug.php?ej_stamp_pdf=true&pdf_allow_copy=y&pdf_allow_print=y&pdf_pwd=

The file is 14 megs.

But again when I sent the link for a free download the same server not notified came up and that free link would not be stamped.

I recently redid all my products, by that I mean I changed prices and redid the website so edited all the products. I may have confused something in the process. Doug

Aha, there's your problem. Your stamper URL has http:// twice at the beginning. Just remove the extra http:// and it should work fine. :^)

Okay, that was simple. Sorry about that I should have caught it my self. I got it to work and tried the stamping feature. It worked great, really slick. Now I just have to figure out how to do the two product together. The dvd and the ebook and get the ebook stamped. Doug

7 months later

I just got this myself.

The file is a zip file, so I don't care about the stamping.

I do care about getting the AWeber notice sent out. I've already lost 6 potential upsells by forgetting to turn on the URL feature after the free upgrades I sent out.

I'll do more digging around to see if I can find more information; this did blind side me, though. Not something I want to deal with today.

I also received this message just now, while I was testing my checkout pipeline and placing an actual order with a credit card.

The last few days, I generated a discount code and used that to test free checkouts. That process worked perfectly, and the PDFs were stamped correctly.

Today, I used a discount code that resulted in a $0.95 price, and I checked out using PayPal (without signing in to my PayPal account). The order went through and the PDF was delivered, but it was not stamped. I then received the "Server not notified for..." email.

Seems like there's something wrong on e-junkie's end today? Has anyone else seen PDF-stamping problems with regards to paid orders?

I had the same problem on 30 July. I made a sale but the customer was not able to download her e-book. Soon after I got an error e-mail from you stating "This is a notification that for the transaction 85Y70983A5032190M, we were unable to notify your server as we were unable to connect to it."

I tested the generated link and was able to download a copy of the e-book (although it wasn't stamped) so I don't know why she couldn't. Maybe it was a temporary problem.

Is there a problem on the e-junkie side? I haven't changed my configuration and it has been operating satisfactorily until now.

We did find a problem had cropped up with our original PDF Stamper attendant to recent changes in our server and application architecture, so we are now replacing it with an all-new PDF Stamper that fixes that problem and also adds performance improvements to make things quicker and more reliable going forward.

You should not need to do anything at all to take advantage of this upgrade, as your existing PDF Stamping settings should continue working just fine with our new Stamper routine.

Thanks very much for the quick reply. So there was a minor problem and now it's fixed? Cool.

BTW, were you aware that when a person tries to fill in any field on a form on your site, nothing happens (no characters are entered) unless the person left-clicks in the field first? That might be a problem with my browser, I don't know. I had the same thing happen on my home computer and work computer. Just letting you know --I was pretty frustrated earlier.

Both computers use Internet Explorer.

Thanks again for the quick answer.

Yes, thanks for the quick reply.

I have to say I find teh e-junkie interface a bit odd (ok, odd), but I have no real complaints because I'm very happy with the value I'm receiving.

2 years later


I have the same problem, one PDF stamping works but the other one for a different product not working, the stamping code link is:


i also receive the e-mail saying: "Server not notified for ebook"

can you help me? thanks

Could you let us know which product is having that problem? The URL looks correct from your post, but a "server not notified" error would either mean that there's a typo in your settings OR that all of www.e-junkie.com is down (which would be a much bigger problem for all of us, naturally :slight_smile: )


thanks for the answer, the product is called "E-book Estudiar y trabajar en Reino Unido e Irlanda". Don´t worry, the PDF stamping works for the other e-book (Estudiar y trabajar en el extranjero) but not for this one. Thanks

It appears the file you have uploaded for that product is password-locked, so you would need to either upload a replacement file which is unlocked, or provide the file's Master password in that product's PDF Stamping URL, like so:


Bear in mind each Stamped PDF we issue to buyers will always be locked with a randomized Master password, which prevents editing/extracting the file's contents or editing its settings, regardless of your file's original Master password or whether the file was even password-protected to begin with.

Hello , thanks for your answer. Unfortunately, I tried again and doesnt work at all.

I transformed again into PDF from DOC without any password, uploade into eJunkie and didnt stamp the PDF.

What I´ve found is that if I upload it without locking extraction, the PDF can be copied as a result, so a randomized Master password you provided does not work too.

Can you help me please? thanks

Hm, I tested the latest free download link you issued for this product, and that file was stamped, so it appears you have this sorted out now. Note that downloads occurring within the first 15 minutes after the file is uploaded cannot be stamped. Also, applying the stamp also applies the randomized Master password and disables content-extraction, so if the file could not be stamped for whatever reason, the download would simply issue an unmodified identical copy of the file you'd uploaded.