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Feb 2010


I sold a few copies of the "preview" version of my infoproduct--it's a guide to software projects for non-software people.

Now the final version is available, and I want all my existing customers to get (for free) a download link to that final version.

Is there a simple way to do this, or should I just send a "free download" link to all existing customers? That seems kind of cumbersome.


  • created

    Feb '10
  • last reply

    Feb '10
  • 2


  • 1.0k


  • 2


  • 1


You can use the Send Free Download Link. Another option would be to create a discount for 100% of the cost and send it to your existing customers. To keep them from sharing the discount, what you would do is create one discount with a code for each previous buyer and set the Max Use Count to 1 so each code can only be used once. Here is a link to our discount help page:


Cool, thanks. I'll probably just Send Free Download for now because there are only four buyers so far.