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Nov 2007

I just wanted to know if you do support tangible items such as costume jewelry. I wanted to sell them online but with tiered pricing (1 for a dollar, 2 for 10% off, 3 for 15% off etc) and wanted to keep a track of the inventory so that shoppers don't order merchandise i get sold out of. Do you support something like that?

  • created

    Nov '07
  • last reply

    Dec '09
  • 14


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  • 7


  • 5


1 year later

I'm not sure I follow. I've read the info at these links and still don't understand how to accomplish this:

1 tangible product

Price 1 effects quantities 1-99

Price 2 effects quantities 100-499

Price 3 effects quantities 500-999

Price 4 effects quantities 1000+

You would go into Seller Admin > Cart Discounts and configure a series of discounts (leave the Discount Code field blank to make the discount apply itself automatically) based on Min. Items in Cart thresholds. E.g.:

20% off the Item Total when Min Items in Cart = 100

35% off the Item Total when Min Items in Cart = 500

50% off the Item Total when Min Items in Cart = 1000

Note that this would only apply to the total quantity of the entire order; it cannot be used to define discount thresholds on an individual-product basis, although that is a feature upgrade we should be rolling out soon.

You could also use our "Variants having individual price/weight/stock/SKU" to define fixed "pack sizes" the buyer could select from a menu, e.g. the configuration on the product's Variants screen might look something like this:

TrinketA,1.00,,,$1 each,,

TrinketA 100-pack,80.00,,,$80 per 100-pack,,

TrinketA 500-pack,350.00,,,$350 per 500-pack,,


So the first example is definitely what I was looking for. I have a couple more questions...

1) What is it then that I need to put in the "Item Discount Codes" box?

Would it look like:



Need some help with syntax. Is there anyplace on the help site where syntax is discussed?

2) I didn't follow this statement that you made, "Note that this would only apply to the total quantity of the entire order; it cannot be used to define discount thresholds on an individual-product basis, although that is a feature upgrade we should be rolling out soon."

What I described cannot be done in the Item Discount Codes setting for any specific product.

You would need to go into your Seller Admin > Cart Discounts / Gift Coupons screen, where it should be apparent how to create the series of discounts as I described above.

Quantity-based Cart Discounts can only count the total quantity of the entire cart order (i.e., the sum of all quantities of all items the buyer has added to their cart order), and it can only discount the overall Item Total (before tax/shipping), not the price of any specific item.

I'm not understanding how to control inventory...when selling one product with different flavors.

for example i'm selling ice cream, but i have 18 flavors how to i control the inventory for each flavor...thanks

To control a single product set up with 18 different options and different amounts in stock you would use our variants feature. This feature includes the inventory for each option. Here is an example with a few options along with the layout used for variants.





In this set up, the Inventory or Stock as we label it, is 12 vanilla, 10 Chocolate and 7 Strawberry

so if someone tries to buy 20 vanilla and there are only 12 will the shopping cart show that they are unavailable...or how does that work?

If there are only 12 listed in stock then the cart will not allow the buyer to place more then 12 in the cart, it will inform them that there is not enough

3 months later

I have a question. I sell custom printed products so I dont have an inventory do I put in a 0 or leave it blank in the variables. Also is there a way to show the price of a product with variants on the product page, right now I have to add to cart to see the total, I would rather my customer see it on the product page first. Here is the link to the page, still in progress, http://blacklabelprinting.com/index.php?option=comcontent&view=category&layout=blog&id=16&Itemid=28

As long as you do not enable inventory control you do not need to worry about listing a number of products you have in stock. To check go to Seller Admin>View/Edit/Delete Product, select a product and click Edit. On the first Edit screen is an option for Inventory Control, make sure this option does not have a check in the box next to it.

To include the total on the page you would need to either list the total in the information for the variant that changes the cost or you would need to create custom script to add to your page to show the total on the page.

That is totally understandable. Can you help me with the scripting, it seems like this should be part of the cart. I guess I will have to put some verbage on the page that to view the total pricing click add to cart. If you cant help me with this issue.