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Nov 2008

Hi Everyone

Im a newbie on e-Junkie and would appreciate your help.

I want to sell a download of an audio and a read me document, which the buyer downloads as one unit - ie in a folder.

I can't see how to do this.

Could anyone help please.


Alix :slight_smile:

  • created

    Nov '08
  • last reply

    Nov '08
  • 4


  • 1.0k


  • 2


  • 1


You would need to combine the files into a single archive file (e.g., a .zip file), then upload that as your product file.

As another, easier alternative, you could simply provide the ReadMe in the message body of your Thank-you email.

Thanks Tyson for your reply.

Ummmm.....I had thought of doing the readme in the email, but one of my products has 2 audio files as well.

Probably a basic question, but Im on a Mac....... can PCs open file zipped up by Macs?


Alix :slight_smile:

Most Mac users have StuffIt Expander, whilst most PC users have WinZip or equivalent, but StuffIt Expander can also unzip .zip archives whilst many unZip utilities may not be able to unzip .sit archives. For widest compatibility then, you're probably safest using .zip instead of StuffIt's .sit format.

Mac OS X also happens to have built-in .zip compression/expansion support; you may find this link of particular interest:



Thanks so much Tyson. really appreciate your support especially as it was not an on topic - specific to e-junkie question

Thanks again

Alix :slight_smile: