Our mass-email service is fairly limited, and we have no way to schedule periodic mailings, so you would probably want to handle the actual ecourse mailings via a third-party mailing list specialist such as MailChimp or GetResponse:
We just transmit the full order details to whatever URL you provide for your mailing list service, so what they do with that data is handled entirely at their end; we have no control or insight over that. This help page documents the data variables they will receive from us:
We are not familiar with the capabilities of their system or how it works, so we can't tell you how to set things up at their end. Offhand, I would guess that you may need to create a separate list and have your ecourse buyers added to that specific list. You may need to use a particular subscription URL for that list, or they may have some way of looking at the item name or number in the order data and assigning the buyer to a list on that basis.
You can combine a general integration for all sales with product-specific integrations. The URL you enter in Seller Admin > Account Preferences > Common Notification URL would receive the order data for every order, regardless of which item(s) the buyer purchased. The URL you enter as the Payment Variable Information URL in a specific product's settings (for products that have "Send transaction data to a URL" enabled) would only receive the order data when that particular item is purchased.