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Sep 2009


I am looking for someone who is charging tax in the Denver Metro area. I am having a hard time setting up my tax section for the buttons on my web site. I have been working with the e-junkie tech support, but am still struggling with getting it to work. Help from someone who understand the crazy tax situation in CO would be wonderful!

Thanks and have a wonderful day!

Sherri :)


"Where fun and education fit in the same bag."


  • created

    Aug '09
  • last reply

    Sep '09
  • 6


  • 1.3k


  • 2


  • 2


You might find it helpful to know you can also specify whole or partial zipcodes in the Advanced Tax Settings section of our Seller Admin > Cart Sales Tax/VAT Settings. For instance, if you entered these lines in that box:



That would mean all zipcodes from 85700 thru 85799 would get charged 6.6% tax, except for 85705 which would get charged 8.1%.


Thanks so much for responding. So basically, I would need to enter all the zip codes for all of CO and the sales tax for each and every zip code?

What happens when you need to add on RTD tax in the Denver/Metro area?

Thanks for your help!

Sherri :slight_smile:

We can only calculate Sales Tax based on Country, State/Province and whole/partial zipcode. You may wish to consult with your local Department of Revenue to determine your actual tax obligations for online sales.

If there's a basic tax rate that's common for most of CO, then under the Simple Sales Tax Settings section you would set that basic rate, enable Tax Buyers From State and select Colorado, then you can override that rate on a zipcode basis in the Advanced Sales Tax Settings.

Is there a way we can use the e-junkie buttons and collect tax based on the city and county? This is how the sales tax in CO is calculated. There could be one zip code in two different countries.

Can the e-junkie figure out our sales tax without having to jump through all these hoops? I have been told there are shopping carts that will figure out the sales tax for us without having to be programmed to do so. I sure hope e-junkie can perform this function, because we just switched over all our buttons.

Can I pay an e-junkie crew member to make this work for us? I feel that I am going around in circles and the fix should be fairly simple from what I have heard.


Sherri :slight_smile:

Hm, I'm not certain that zipcodes even can cross county lines. You might ask your mail carrier or call the post office about that. We do require you to configure your Sales Tax calculator in Seller Admin manually; we don't have any way to make your Sales Tax calculator just work automagically without any configuration. If you wish, you might consider hiring an independent developer to plug your Sales Tax requirements into the Seller Admin for you; please see our Developer Directory here:


Thanks! I sent an email today requesting what to do. I would gladly pay someone to get this done! lol

Blessings and continued success,

Sherri :slight_smile: