I am trying to create a rollover image for my custom buy button. I have tried to do this a couple of ways, one with the obvious mouseover html (created in Dreamweaver). And also another way using CSS to shift the hover image. Anyway, not massively complex code but it still seems to mess up the pop up window. View cart button still pops up though.here's my page:http://www.bombthebass.com/sitetest/shop.htmlthe 2 MP3 buttons are buy buttons. The PLAY button(temporary gif) to the right is also a buy button that I tried to create using CSScan anyone advise me on the code?
It appears you've got this working now? At any rate, you may notice our standard Add to Cart button code includes a class="ec_ejc_thkbx" attribute that you could target in your CSS, something like:a.ec_ejc_thkbx:hover {...etc...}
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