I have an ebook about to go for sale. It will be listed at clickbank for affiliate sales. I wanted to password protect each download and found a developer in Canada to do so. Then someone recommended your site.
Since I'm new to selling digitally, I am not sure what the best option is for me. The book will first go to 10,000 people in my company and know from past experience, they'll try and share the links rather than pay. I also understand some of that cannot be avoided but was told by issuing a new password for each purchase, a lot of that can be eliminated. The web developer in Canada was going to create a database that would do that as well. And it was getting complicated and expensive!
I noticed on your features that you can designate how many downloads can be made from each link. That would seem to be just as efficient, and easier, than creating a new password for each purchase. If I understand that option correctly, you can restrict it to one download per sale??