I have 2 customers who I refunded after the Paypal cut off date so I removed them from the list for that product as detailed here: http://www.e-junkie.com/ej/help.updates.htm and they now show when I search for them as 'removed by you'

However, when I download a transaction log they still appear with no indication I have removed them

These two I can deal with but I know there are many others and I need to know how to make my transacvtion log accurate enough to trust

Thank you

  • created

    Oct '12
  • last reply

    Oct '12
  • 1


  • 1.2k


  • 2


  • 2


Your E-junkie Transaction Log is just a permanent record of your order history. Aside from refunding the buyer's original payment through the payment processor which handled that payment (e.g. PayPal), the log cannot otherwise be edited or modified, or else it wouldn't be an accurate record of details for all the orders you've received as those orders were originally placed.

Aside from your Transaction Log, each buyer is also added to a Buyer Group email list we maintain for each item they ordered. You can edit or remove buyers from these Buyer Group lists (as you have done), but that won't affect your Transaction Log.

All of the information in your E-junkie Transaction Log is "secondhand", reflecting only what the payment processor reported back to us upon completion of payment, so it's only as good as the data we receive from them. Even properly-issued refunds can result in the log having glitchy information due PayPal reporting refunds to us inconsistently (see http://www.e-junkie.com/ej/faq.paypal.log-refund.htm). For accounting/financial reporting purposes, we would recommend using your payment processor account history to get that information "straight from the horse's mouth".