
Can you advise on the following please:

I plan to use the Redirection URL for customer membership access.

Question is: can I send the user to any Welcome Page on my web server? Such as html, php, etc.?

I have an online test to administer that is an .SWF file in a sub directory.

Second, how do I prevent someone from accessing that directory a second time? I only want them to access the directory 1 time so as not to pass to others.

Do you use URL masking so they can't access it directly again, or can I limit the number of login attempts?


  • created

    Oct '10
  • last reply

    Oct '10
  • 1


  • 881


  • 2


  • 2


You can use the product-specific version of our Redirection feature:


Note that when we perform the redirection, we append some order data (documented at the link above) to the end of your URL in a standard HTTP GET query string, so some custom scripting in your page could parse its own URL with every visit to grab that data and do as you wish with it.

How to parse that data and how to use that for user-access control is a matter of general programming know-how that's beyond the support we can provide; if you require assistance with that, we can recommend the competent, E-junkie-experienced developers listed in our directory:
